Клементьева, 7-9. Рабочая тетрадь 2. Раздел 4. Урок 9

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Переведите на английский. Это упражнение поможет вам
написать доклад о тестах в американской школе.
1) During the last week American students are passing tests at school.
2) If they pass all the tests, they will go on to the next grade.
3) There are several types of tests:
a) choose the right answer or “multiple choice”
b) fill in the gaps
c) answer the questions
4) During the test in Mathematics students solve algebraic equations.
5) Students have to write essays in some subjects.
6) What marks do the teachers give?
a) If students do everything perfectly they receive “A”.
b) If they do everything well they get “B”.
c) The average mark is “C”, a poor grade is “D”.
d) If they fail the test, they will get “F”.
7) They receive four report cards a year.
8) And their parents have to sign these cards.
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