Клементьева, 7-9. Рабочая тетрадь 2. Раздел 5. Урок 20

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Контрольная работа 5 стр. 45
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильном времени, в пассивной или активной форме.
1) will be examined 2) cleans 3) was translated 4) were laughing 5) was he born 6) had been done 7) is located 8) will send 9) has been paid
Составьте 5 предложений со следующими глаголами: to look after, to promise, to show, to meet, to be born
Переведите на английский язык.
1) Why is he always laughed at?
2) Who was sent for the doctor?
3) The letters have been sent, haven’t they?
4) By whom was America discovered?
5) Will the exam have been passed next week?
6) The money had been paid before the car was delivered.
7) He called when the letter was being written.
Перефразируйте следующие предложения.
1 The mother told me to reuse the wrapping paper.
2 The boy recounted his change.
3 Molly reintroduced her friend.
4 The letter was full of mistakes so she was asked to rewrite it.
5 The old film was remade by a talanted producer.
Переведите на русский язык.
1) Когда Линда в плохом настроении, она ко всему придирается.
2) Он попробовал спрятаться в кустах, но был найден.
3) Он нашел себя, будучи еще молодым.
4) Попробуй разузнать побольше об этом актере.
5) Директору рассказали о покупателе, который постоянно придирается к обслуживанию.
Переведите на английский язык.
1) The teacher offered to go on excursion and his offer was accepted by the pupils.
2) “When do you have to take this medicine?” — “I take it in the morning”.
3) Talk to grandmother. I hope she will accept your appology.
4) Mark offered his girlfriend to marry him, and she accepted it.
5) The new law hasn’t been adopted by Congress.
6) The doctor doesn’t receive patients in the evenings.
7) If you don’t take measures this house won’t be built.
8) As he has not been admitted to college, Nick works in the shop this year.
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