Клементьева, 7-9. Рабочая тетрадь 2. Раздел 6. Урок 7

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Переведите на английский язык.
1) He didn’t know where they had been.
2) She said she would go to America the next year.
3) We were asked where a new school was being built.
4) He was sure Tom had got frightened.
5) She asks John how old he is.
6) She wondered whether he had watched that TV-program.
7) He said he had translated that text the previous week.
8) She was asked to look after the child.
9) They knew when she would arrive.
10) He answered that he had already paid the money.
11) I wonder who called her yesterday.
12) The teacher asked to look that word up in the dictionary.
13) Tell me when he will come.
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Американский турист в Англии
Один американец в Лондоне нанял гида для экскурсии по городу.
“Сколько времени понадобилось, чтобы построить этот дом?” — спросил он своего гида, когда увидел большой отель.
“Где-то шесть месяцев”, — ответил гид.
“Шесть месяцев! — воскликнул американец, — У нас в НьюЙорке, чтобы построить такое здание, и шести недель было бы много.”
Они прошли новое офисное здание.
“А сколько времени заняло строительство этого здания”
“Около четырех недель,” — ответил гид.
“Четыре недели!” — удивился американец. — В Нью-Йорке мы можем построить здание такого типа за четыре дня.”
В гробовой тишине они дошли до здания парламента.
“Мне нравится это здание. Сколько времени понадобилось, чтобы его построить?”
“Вы можете мне не верить, — ответил гид, — но еще вчера вечером, переходя по мосту, я его здесь не видел.”
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1) She wanted to know what he was doing at that moment.
2) I wonder if they will go to the cinema today.
3) She was not sure if they would receive her letter the next week.
4) Mother told her son not to switch on TV.
5) She invited us to go skating.
6) Do you know where they are.
7) She repeated she didn’t know that man.
8) Tell us why she is here.
9) He asked when the letter had been sent.
10) Did he know that father had arrived?
11) He hoped he would be taken to the cinema the next day.
12) She asked whether he had called his father.
13) Tom didn’t deny that he had seen that man before.
14) The boy admitted he had made a mistake.
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