Клементьева, 7-9. Рабочая тетрадь 3. Раздел 8. Урок 18

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1)Air pollution a)Most states are making tougher laws against air pollution.
b)Scientists are looking for ways to make factories and cars run cleaner.
2)Acid rains a)Many factories are working hard to end acid rains, which harm lakes, rivers and plants.
b)Scientists are figuring out ways to make coal burn more cleanly.
3)Water pollution Bodies of water are being made much cleaner
4)Energy leaks a)Energy from the sun and the wind can be used without burning coal. We’ll never run out of it.
b)Energy from the sun now helps heat and light more than 100,000 homes in the USA. Saving energy is better than making more energy. Energy leaks are under control in the US.
5)Poisons in food The US government is helping farmers find ways to protect crops without using many pesticides.
6)Cars a)Farmers in Illinois are trying a fuel in their tractors made from soybeans.
b)There are electric minivans being used in at least six US cities.
7)Trash a)Some companies produce less packaging.
b)A lot of the US cities have started recycling projects.
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