Клементьева, 7-9. Рабочая тетрадь 3. Раздел 9. Урок 8

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Прослушайте диалог “В библиотеке” на стр. 348 — 349
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Найдите предложения в сослагательном наклонении и переведите их.
I wish I knew more about outstanding people who played a role in shaping American life and culture.
Мне хотелось бы больше знать о замечательных людях, которые внесли вклад в формирование американского образа жизни и культуры.
I wish I could read about all of those people. Мне хотелось бы прочитать о всех этих людях.
If you were me and you had only a few hours who would you read about? Если бы Вы были на моём месте, и у вас было бы несколько часов, о ком бы Вы прочитали?
If I were you I would read about some of our writers and artists. На вашем месте я прочитала бы о каком-нибудь писателе или художнике.
If I had time I would also read about some of our leaders. — Если бы у меня было время, ещё я бы прочитала о наших лидерах (вождях).
If I had known there were so many fascinating Americans I would have come to the library sooner. Если бы я знал, что так много есть интересных американцев, я пришёл бы в библиотеку раньше.
Перевести на английский:
1) Sasha would like to know more about the outstanding Americans.
2) He wants to know about people who have played a role in shaping American life and culture.
3) Sasha asks the librarian who he would like to read about if he had only a few hours..
4) Librarian says that if he were Sasha he would like to read about some of their writers, artists, inventors, architects.
5) Sasha says if he had known there were so many outstanding Americans he would have come to the library sooner.
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