Кузовлев, 4. Часть 1. Урок 2. Учебник

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Вот что Нина, Крис и Хелен рассказывают о своих каникулах. Как дети провели свои прошлые летние каникулы?
Каждый год мы ездим на Карибские острова. Мы посетили три разных острова прошлым летом. Было чудесно ехать там на лодке. (Нина С.)
Каждое лето мы ездим во Флориду. Прошлым летом мы тоже отправились туда. Это было великолепно. Куда вы ездили прошлым летом? (Крис М.)
Каждый год мы остаёмся в городе. Прошлым летом мы не остались в городе. Мы поехали навестить наших родственников в Шотландии. (Хелен В.)
Last year Nina S. visited the Caribbean Islands. She visited three different islands last summer. It was fantastic when she went there by boat.
Last summer Chris M. went to Florida. It was great.
Last year Helen W. went to see her relatives in Scotland.
Вот картинки Лайзы и Сида, описывающие их каникулы.
1) Кто был в Африке, а кто в Австралии?
Liza was in Africa.
Sid was in Australia.
2) Что Лайза и Сид делали на каникулах?
Liza was in Africa.
Liza went there by ship.
She saw there an elephant.
She swam in the Red Sea.
She ate nice bananas there.
She fed an ostrich.
The weather was very hot in Africa.
She bought and brought gifts for her friends. Sid was in Australia.
He went there by plane He saw there a kangaroo.
He swam in the lake.
He ate nice fish.
He fed a crocodile.
The weather was rainy.
He bought and brought gifts for his friends.
3) Что ещё Лайза и Сид делали летом? Чем они не занимались?
I think Liza watched joyful monkeys. But she didn’t feed a kangaroo.
I think Liza climbed an orange tree. But she didn’t listen to a kookaburra.
I think Liza went to the festival in the Sahara. But she didn’t buy a boomerang.
I think Liza gathered and ate oranges. But she didn’t catch a big fish.
I think Liza gave bananas to an elephant. But she didn’t ride an ostrich.
I think Sid listened to a kookaburra. But he didn’t climb an orange tree.
I think Sid bought a boomerang. But he didn’t go to the festival in the Sahara.
I think Sid cаught a big fish. But he didn’t gather and eat oranges.
I think Sid rode an ostrich. But he didn’t give bananas to an elephant.
Какая у вас летняя история?
1) Чем вы занимались летом?
I was in Krym last summer. I went to my relatives. I swam in the Black Sea. I ate oranges. I saw there dolphins.
2) Работа в парах.
Ученик 1. Расспросите своего партнёра о его/её летних каникулах.
Ученик 2. Ответьте на вопросы своего партнёра.
Did you spend your summer holidays at home? – No, I didn’t.
Where did you spend your summer holidays? – I spent my summer holidays in the USA.
When did you go there? – I went there in July.
What did you in summer? – I bought and brought gifts for my friends.
3) Ваши каникулы и каникулы ваших друзей отличались или нет?
I went to the USA. But Lena didn’t go to the USA. She went to the lake Baykal.
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