Кузовлев, 4. Часть 2. Урок 2. Учебник

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Лайза любит ездить на ферму к своей бабушке. Ей нравится два животных на ферме: Тоби и Фродо. Мама Лайзы любит Фродо, папа Лайзы любит Тоби. Какое из этих двух животных лучше и почему?
Поросёнок Фродо. Собака Тоби.
Мама: Фродо умный.
Папа: Тоби умнее, чем Фродо.
Мама: Фродо талантливый.
Папа: Тоби талантливее, чем Фродо.
В течение урока естественных наук дети сравнивают домашних животных.
1) Как много животных вы можете сравнить?
Cows are fatter then horses.
Hens are more beautiful then ducks.
Pigs are larger than rabbits.
Turkeys are more cheerful than cats. Sheep are fluffier than horses.
2) Работа в парах. Сравните животных.
What do you think of sheep? Are sheep smarter than pigs?
Yes, they are./No, they are not. Pigs are smarter than sheep.
What do you think of sheep? Are sheep funnier than pigs?
Yes, they are./No, they are not. Sheep are funnier than pigs.
What do you think of rabbits? Are rabbits smarter than dogs?
Yes, they are./No, they are not. Dogs are smarter than rabbits.
What do you think of rabbits? Are rabbits sillier than dogs?
Yes, they are./No, they are not. Rabbits are sillier than dogs.
What do you think of rabbits? Are rabbits more talented than dogs?
Yes, they are./No, they are not. Dogs are more talented than rabbits.
What do you think of sheep? Are sheep more cheerful than cats?
Yes, they are./No, they are not. Sheep are more cheerful than cats.
What do you think of cows? Are cows more cheerful than horses?
Yes, they are./No, they are not. Cows are more cheerful than horses.
What do you think of cows? Are cows more talented than horses?
Yes, they are./No, they are not. Horses are more talented than horses.
What do you think of cats? Are cats funnier than dogs?
Yes, they are./No, they are not. Cats are funnier than dogs.
Некоторые собаки могут помогать на ферме.
1) Какие из этих собак могут работать на ферме?
A collie and a Saint Bernard can work on the farm.
2) Какая собака живёт на ферме бабушки Лайзы? Угадайте.
Эта собака выше бульдога. Она тяжелее, чем колли. Её ноги длиннее, чем ноги бульдога. А она добрее, чем пекинес. Я думаю, это лучший друг для ребенка, чем пекинес. A Saint Bernard.
3) Опишите одну из этих собак. Ваш партнёр должен угадать, какая это собака.
This dog is smaller than a bulldog. It is longer than a pekinese. Its legs are shorter than a bulldog’s legs. And it is kinder than a Pekinese. I think it is a smart dog. (A corgi)
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