Кузовлев, 4. Часть 6. Урок 3. Учебник

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Хемлис – очень известный магазин игрушек. В нём семь этажей игрушек.
1) Посмотрите на поэтажный указатель магазина Хемлис. Что вы можете купить в Хемлис?
We can buy lego and we can visit a cafe on the 5th floor at Hamleys.
We can buy trains and cars on the 4th floor at Hamleys.
We can buy dolls on the 3th floor at Hamleys.
We can buy books and music on the 2th floor at Hamleys.
We can buy games and sweets on the 1th floor at Hamleys.
We can buy soft toys on the Ground floor at Hamleys.
We can buy computer games and sports on the Basement floor at Hamleys.
2) Бабушка и дедушка купили много подарков для Энди и Эшли в Хемлис. Посмотрите на подарки и скажите, на каком этаже их купили.
They bought the doll on the 3rd floor.
They bought the teddy bear on the ground floor.
They bought the book on the 2nd floor.
They bought the car on the 4th floor.
They bought the sweets on the 1st floor. They bought the skateboard in the basement.
Энди понравились игрушечные попугаи в Хемлис. Он написал о них стихотворение.
1) Дополните его стихотворение.
The first parrot is very funny.
The second parrot is happy and sunny.
The third parrot is very small.
The fourth parrot plays with a ball.
The fifth parrot likes reading books.
The sixth parrot cleans the house and cooks.
The seventh parrot can sing you a song.
The eighth parrot can talk all day long.
The ninth parrot can tell you a story.
The tenth parrot is very boring.
The eleventh parrot is very good.
The twelfth parrot likes tasty food.
The thirteenth parrot is very silly.
The fourteenth parrot’s name is Billy.
2) Какие из попугаев изображены на картинке?
This is the seventh parrot. He can sing you a song.
This is the sixth parrot. He cleans the house and cooks.
This is the fifth parrot. He likes reading books.
This is the fourteenth parrot. His name is Billy.
This is the twelfth parrot. He likes tasty food.
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