Кузовлев, 4. Часть 8. Урок 4. Учебник

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Эмма Уотсон, Дэниел Рэдклифф и Руперт Гринт – самые известные молодые актёры в Великобритании.
1) Почему они знамениты?
They are famous because they are talented. They are famous for films about Harry Potter.
4) Поставьте прилагательные в правильную форму. Эти выражения правдивы (Т) или неверны (F)?
Emma is younger than Daniel and Rupert (T). Rupert has got the biggest family (T). Daniel is taller than Rupert (F). Emma is the best at language learning (T). Rupert is the youngest brother in the family (F). Emma is the smartest girl in her class (F). Dan, Rupert and Emma are the most famous young actors in Great Britain (T).
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