Кузовлев, 5, 2013. Рабочая тетрадь. Unit 3. Lesson 4

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Что дети из класса Пола сделали, а что нет? Заполните пропуски правильными формами глаголов.
1 Polly has just performed her ballet dance.
2 Ron hasn’t prepared his costume yet.
3 Have they bought flowers yet?
4 Have they invited people to the concert yet?
5 Andy has just finished the poster.
6 Jack has already brought a hat for his tricks.
7 They haven’t decided what they will do next year yet.
Вы путешествуете no Британии. Вы планируете многое сделать. Что вы уже сделали?
Have you bought some gifts yet? I haven’t bought them yet.
Have you watched the animals in London Zoo yet? I have already watched the animals.
Have you sent a postcard to your parents yet? I have already sent a postcard.
Have you seen Nelson’s Column yet? I haven’t seen it yet.
Have you fed pigeons on Trafalgar Square yet? I haven’t fed pigeons yet.
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