Лапицкая, 4. Unit 2. Lesson 5

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Nine and four is thirteen.
Eight and seven is fifteen.
Twelve and eleven is twenty-three.

Twenty-four and six is thirty.
Eighteen and nine is twenty-seven.
Twenty and thirteen is thirty-three.

Seventeen and seventy is eighty-seven.
Fourteen and forty is fifty-four.
Thirteen and thirty is forty-three.

Sixty-four and thirty-six is one hundred.
Eighty-two and eighteen is one hundred.
Ninety and ten is one hundred.

– Where are you from?
– I’m from America.
– How old are you?
– I’m forty-four.
– You are Mary.
– Right!

– Where are you from?
– I’m from Britain.
– How old are you?
– I’m forty-four.
– You are Alex.
– Right!

– Where are you from?
– I’m from Africa.
– How old are you?
– I’m twenty-eight.
– You are Fiona.
– Right!

– Where are you from?
– I’m from Africa.
– How old are you?
– I’m thirty-one.
– You are Sam.

– Right!
– Where are you from?
– I’m from Britain.
– How old are you?
– I’m twenty-eight.
– You are Nelly.
– Right!

– Where are you from?
– I’m from America.
– How old are you?
– I’m thirty-one.
– You are Kevin.
– Right!

1. C
2. A
3. D
4. В
1. Привет! Меня зовут Сэнди. Мне 12. Я из Америки. У меня большая семья. У меня есть мама, папа, две сестры, два брата, две бабушки, два дедушки, шесть дядь, три тёти и девятнадцать двоюродных братьев и сестёр.
2. Мою маму зовут Барбара. Она очень красивая женщина. Ей сорок семь. Она продавец в детском книжном магазине. У неё в магазине около сотни книг.
3. Моего папу зовут Грег. Ему пятьдесят четыре. Он умный и добрый. Он учитель. У него в классе двадцать девять человек.
4. Моих сестёр зовут Пэм и Кейт. Пэм четырнадцать, а Кейт восемь. У них голубые глаза и длинные светлые волосы. Они милые. Моих братьев зовут Том и Тоби. Им десять. У них карие глаза и короткие рыжие волосы. Они смешные и шаловливые. Я люблю свою большую семью!
5 — Barbara and Greg have got five children.
8 — Kate is eight.
14 — Pam is fourteen.
10 — Tom and Toby are ten.
29 — There are twenty-nine pupils in Greg’s class.
12 — Sandy is twelve.
6 — Sandy has got six uncles.
3 — Sandy has got three aunts.
19 — Sandy has got nineteen cousins.
47 — Barbara is forty-seven.
54 — Greg is fifty-four.
100 — There are about one hundred books in Barbara’s shop.
I’ve got a mum, a dad, a brother, a sister, two grannies, two granddads, two uncles, an aunt and six cousins. We’ve got seventeen people in our family.
Ann has got the biggest family.
– How old is your mum?
– She is thirty-five.
– How old is your dad?
– He is forty.
– How old is your granny?
– She is fifty-eight.
– How old is your granddad?
– He is sixty-five.
– How old is your aunt?
– She is twenty-five.
– How old is your uncle?
– He is thirty-one.
– How old is your sister?
– She is fifteen.
– How old is your brother?
– He is five.
My mum is thirty-five.
My dad is forty.
My granny is fifty-eight.
My granddad is sixty-five.
My aunt is twenty-five.
My uncle is thirty-one.
My sister is fifteen.
My brother is five.
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