Лапицкая, 5. Unit 4. Lesson 5

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Yes, he was very happy at Christmas last year. Обычно мы празднуем Рождество в горах. Там живёт тётя Поли. Мы всегда останавливаемся в её милом маленьком домике. Прошлой зимой мы как обычно поехали в горы. Погода была прекрасная. Было холодно, но солнечно. Мы играли в снежки и лепили снеговика. Это было очень весело! Я помогал маме и тёте украшать дом свечами и фонариками. Было очень красиво! Вечером у нас был чудесный рождественский обед с традиционной жареной индейкой и рождественским пудингом. Потом мы выстреливали хлопушки и читали смешные шутки. Я получил подарок от тёти Поли – билет на футбольный матч «Манчестер Юнайтид – Реал Мадрид»! Я был так счастлив! Я люблю Рождество. Я думаю, это самый лучший праздник.
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1. Не usually celebrates Christmas in the mountains.
2. He celebrated last Christmas in the mountains too.
3. The weather was fine.
4. He played snowballs, made a snowman and helped his aunt to decorate the house.
5. They decorated the house with candles and lights.
6. They had Christmas dinner in the evening.
7. He ate roast turkey and Christmas pudding.
8. He was happy because he got a ticket for a football match.
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– Where do you usually celebrate New Year?
– I usually celebrate New Year at home.
– Where did you celebrate last New Year’s Day?
– I celebrated it at my granny’s in her country house.
– What was the weather like?
– The weather was fine. It was cold and it was snowing.
– What did you do?
– I made a snowman and helped my granny to decorate the Christmas tree.
– How did you decorate the Christmas tree?
– We decorated it with tinsel, ornaments and lights.
– Did you have a special dinner?
– Yes, of course, we did.
– What did you eat?
– We ate roast chicken with potatoes.
– What present did you get?
– I got a new mobile phone.
– Were you happy?
– Yes, I was very happy.
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