Несвит, 5. Unit 3. Lesson 3

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a) 1h — to make one’s bed
2a — to tidy up the room
3b — to wash up
4e — to iron clothes
5f — to water the flowers
6c — sew buttons
7d — to wash clothes
8g — to cook meals
b) I always wash up after the meals.
I tidy up my room every Saturday.
I cannot sew buttons.
I usually water the flowers.
Every morning I make my bed.
a) To keep my room tidy I dust the furniture every day. I always put my things in the right places.
On weekends I vacuum the carpets and mats.
I usually water the flowers.
I keep books on the shelves in the right places.
b) To keep my clothes clean and tidy I wash my clothes.
I put my clothes in the right way. I always hang up my clothes in the wardrobe.
I don’t tear clothes and books.
I never break things.
a) — Is your room easy?
— Yes, it is.
— Is your room clean?
— Yes, it is.
— Is your room dirty?
— No, it isn’t.
— Is your room old?
— No, it isn’t.
— Is your room light?
— Yes, it is.
— Is your room uncomfortable?
— No, it isn’t.
I make my bed every morning. I usually wash up after the meals. I never take out the rubbish. I vacuum the carpet on weekends. I sometimes do the shopping. I water the flowers three times a week. I never sweep the floor.
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