Учебник 1. Unit 1. Знакомство с Джоном Баркером. Шаг 2, страница 7

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Послушай и скажи, какой вопрос ты слышишь.
1) b;
2) b;
3) a;
4) b;
5) a;
6) a.
Составь несколько вопросов о семье Баркеров.
Does John go to school in London?
Does Sally skate in winter?
Does Margaret sing English songs?
Does Richard play tennis five days a week?
Do the Barkers watch TV in the evening?
А. Работа с аудиозаписью.
В. Посмотри и составь вопросы.
What do you like to do? When do they watch TV? Where do we swim in summer? Why does he drive a car? Who does she meet at school?
Работа в парах. Составьте вопросы и ответьте на них.
A. 1) What do you like to do in the evening?
2) Where do you go in the morning?
3) What sport do you like?
4) When do you meet your friends?
5) Why do you like your friend?
B. 1) What does he/she like to eat?
2) What does he/she like to do in the evening?
3) When does he/she go to school?
4) Where does he/she skate?
5) Why does he/she watch TV?
Заверши диалоги.
1) Where do you live, Jill? Do you go to school?
2) Yes, I do. When do you swim? Where do you swim?
3) Yes, I do. Do you like new films or old films? When do you watch television?
Прочитай и скажи, о чем забыла упомянуть Маргарет?
About their pets.
Вставь do или does.
1) does;
2) do;
3) do;
4) does;
5) do;
6) does;
7) do;
8) does.
Выполни задания в рабочей тетра
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