Учебник 1. Unit 4. Посещение школы. Шаг 4, страница 107

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Послушай и скажи, сколько лет членам семьи Баркеров.
1) 46;
2) 39;
3) 78;
4) 50;
5) 42;
6) 69;
7) 13;
8) 12;
9) 11;
10) 5;
11) 3.
А. Скажи, что есть и чего нет на столе во время завтрака Джона Баркера.
1) There is milk on the table. There is no water.
2) There is orange juice on the table. There is no soup on the table.
3) There is bread on the table. There is no ice cream on the table.
4) There is butter but there is no jam on the table.
5) There are cups but there are no mugs on the table.
6) There are plates but there are no dishes on the table.
7) There are bananas but there are no plums on the table.
8} There are apples but there are no cakes on the table.
9) There are oranges but there is no lemon on the table.
В. Скажи, что у тебя обычно есть или нет на столе во время завтрака.
There is some bread on the table. There are cups and plates on the table. There is some juice but there is no milk on the table. There is butter on the table. There is no ice cream on the table, etc.
Посмотри на картинку и ответь на вопросы.
3) No, there isn’t.
4) Yes, there are (two).
5) Yes, there is.
6) Yes, there are (some).
7) Yes, there are (some).
8) Yes, there is (some).
9) No, there aren’t (any).
10) Yes, there is (some).
11) No, there isn’t (any).
12) Yes, there is.
Разыграй диалог между Джоном и его мамой.
1) Is there any bread at home? — No, there isn’t (any).
2) Is there any butter at home? — Yes, there is (some).
3) Is there any tea at home? — Yes, there is (some).
4) Are there any cakes at home? — No, there aren’t (any).
5) Are there any bananas at home? — No, there aren’t (any).
6) Is there any water at home? — Yes, there is (some).
7) Is there any jam at home? — Yes, there is (some).
8) Are there any grapes at home — No, there aren’t (any).
9) Are there any oranges at home? — Yes, there are (some).
10) Is there any juice at home? — No, there isn’t (any).
Работа с аудиозаписью.
Работа с аудиозаписью.
Прочитай вопросы и ответь ни них.
1) 7;
2) 3;
3) 31;
4) 30;
5) 28 or 29;
6) 7;
7) 100.
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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