Учебник 2. Unit 7. В выходные. Шаг 3, страница 78

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Послушай и скажи, что не делали члены семьи Милтонов в выходные.
1; 3; 6.
Прочитай и скажи, что Эмма делала или не. делала два дня назад.
2) Emma worked in the garden, she didn’t work in the garage two days ago.
3) Emma phoned her friends, she didn’t phone her parents two days ago.
4) Emma washed cups and mugs, she didn’t wash the plates two days ago.
5) Emma cooked breakfast, she didn’t cook lunch two days ago.
6) Emma answered questions, she didn’t ask questions two days ago.
Задайте вопросы друг другу, выполняли ли дети определенные действия.
1) Did Kate and Sam play tennis? Yes, they did.
2) Did David wash his bike? — Yes. he did.
3) Did Nick listen to music? — Yes. he did.
4) Did Polly plant flowers? — Yes, she did.
5) Did Victor and Ann ride their bikes? — Yes, they did.
6) Did Diana walk near the lake? — No, she didn’t.
Задайте вопросы, используя where, when, who, how, many, узнать, как провел Джон свои выходные.
1) Jason, were you at home?
2) Did you help your parents?
3) Did you watch television?
4) Did you walk the dog?
1) Where did you play tennis?
2) When did you clean the room?
3) What did you wash?
4) Who did you call (phone)?
5) How many questions did you answer0
Работа с аудиозаписью.
Скажи, что Джон Баркер делал на прошлой неделе. Используй новые слова.
1) John visited his cousin Mary. He visited his friend Sid.
2) John invited Lucy to his birthday party. John invited Victor to his birthday party. John invited Sid to his birthday party.
3) John joined Sally for lunch. John joined Victor for tea. John joined Mary for supper.
4) John travelled with his parents. John travelled with his sister and cousin. John travelled with his friends.
5) John talked with Sally on the phone. John talked with his teacher on the phone. John talked with his doctor on the phone.
А. Посмотри и скажи, что эти люди решили делать в конце недели.
2) Fred decided to ride his bike.
3) Jim and Mary decided to watch TV.
4) Poly decided to play tennis.
5) Emma and Kate decided to cook.
6) The Browns decided to travel by bus.
7) General Green decided to ride a horse.
8) Liz decided to read/enjoy a book.
В. Скажи, что эти люди постарались сделать в начале следующей недели.
2) Fred tried to talk on the phone (with his granny).
3) Jim and Mary tried to see the new film.
4) Polly tried to take a tennis lesson.
5) Emma and Kate tried to visit the doctor.
6) The Browns tried to talk to John’s teacher.
7) General Green tried to visit his sister.
8) Liz tried to get up early.
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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