Учебник 2. Unit 7. В выходные. Шаг 5, страница 85

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Послушай и скажи. О настоящем или о будущем идет речь.
1) talk;
2) I’ll try;
3) I’ll show;
4) shines;
5) I’ll finish,
6) enjoys;
7) cook;
8) I’ll ask.
А. Помечтай, каким будет день рождения.
I’ll have my birthday party in the garden. I’ll invite my classmates. Before the party I’ll help my parents to cook. At the party we’ll eat salads, cakes and ice cream. We’ll drink lemonade and juice. We’ll dance and play a lot of games. I’ll have interesting presents. Well enjoy the party.
I’ll be very happy.
В. Представь окончание школьного года и ответь на следующие вопросы.
1) Yes, I will.
2) We’ll have party in the afternoon.
3) We’ll have it at school.
4) I will invite my parents.
5) Well eat fruit and sweets.
6) We’ll drink juice and mineral water.
7) Our helpers will cook.
8) We’ll listen to our favorite music.
9) We’ll dance and sing.
10) Yes, we’ll play some games.
11) Yes, we’ll enjoy the party.
Закончи предложения, используя новые слова.
1) country;
2) next;
3) holiday;
4) places;
5) tomorrow;
6) holidays;
7) people;
8) people;
9) soon;
10) people;
11) places.
Посмотри и скажи, что собираются делать люди.
2) The children are going to swim.
3) The boy is going to drink some milk.
4) The girls are going to dance.
5) The girl is going to clean the room.
6) The girl is going to write.
7) The hoys are going to play football.
8) The boy is going to cook.
Задание в учебнике.
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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