Быкова 2 класс. Unit 2. Lesson A. Beginning the lesson

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Aims: To identify colours.
Pupil Language: Tea – queen – king – cup – red – blue – green – yellow – a (red) cup – My cup is (red).
Teacher Language: What colour is this? – What is Larry? – How lovely!   
Extra Materials: Flashcards (Unit 1) – Flashcards and picture cards (tea, queen, king, cup, red, blue, green, yellow).

Beginning the lesson

  • Wait by the door and greet the children as they arrive.
    (An activity to revise the vocabulary from Unit 1.)
  • Hand out Unit 1 flashcards to children, Say the items at random, The child with the corresponding flashcard holds it up and says what it is,
  • Song: Play the song Hello, I’m Nanny Shine … from Unit 1, Invite children to sing along.

Presentation & Practice

  • Flashcards (tea, queen, king, cup, red, blue, green, yellow).
    (Activities to present and practise the vocabulary of the lesson.)
    Pin up the flashcards, one at a time, and say the appropriate words, Children repeat, chorally and individually, Ask children to take out their picture cards (tea, queen, king, cup, red, blue, green, yellow), Call out the items in random order, Children listen and hold up the corresponding picture card.
  • Draw a large 8 on the board, Point to it, mime and say: Open your books at page eight!
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