Быкова 2 класс. Unit 3. Lesson B. Exercise 1 – Listen and point. Then sing and do.

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  • (An activity for children’s language development.)
    Play the song on the cassette/CD. Children listen and look at the illustrations. During the second listening, the children point to the actions mentioned in the song. Next, demonstrate the actions and play the song, encouraging children to participate fully.

    Chuckles says stand up. (children stand up)
    Stand up, stand up.
    Chuckles says stand up.
    Stand up and clap your hands! (children stand up and clap their hands)
    Chuckles says sit down. (children sit down)
    Sit down, sit down.
    Chuckles says sit down.
    Sit down and clap your hands! (children sit down and clap their hands)
    Chuckles says open your books. (children mime opening their books)
    Open your books, open your books.
    Chuckles says open your books.
    Open your books and clap your hands! (children mime opening their books and clapping their hands)
    Chuckles says close your books. (children mime closing their books)
    Close your books, close your books.
    Chuckles says close your books.
    Close your books and clap your hands! (children mime closing their books and clapping their hands)

  • (See Introduction for further ideas on how to exploit songs.)

Ending the lesson

  • Tell the children they are going to play the Chuckles says’ game. Explain that they are to follow the commands only if these are preceded by the words Chuckles says. Demonstrate this yourself first.

    Teacher: Chuckles says, stand up! Children: (Children stand up.)
    Teacher: Sit down! Children: (Children remain still.)

Craftwork (Optional)

  • (An activity to revise the characters while children practise fine motor skills.)
    Tell children they are going to make portraits of the characters. Hand out the Craftwork Sheets. Guide them through the cutting and gluing of the portraits. Go around the class as the children complete the task and ask questions about the characters. Who’s this? etc. During this stage, feel free to play any song from the module.


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