Биболетова 4 класс – Unit 6 – Shopping for everything – Section 4 – Writing at home

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Помоги Тайни выбрать одежду для холодной дождливой погоды. Выпиши нужные слова.
Boots, an umbrella, a cap, jeans, a jacket, scarf, mittens.
Закончи разговор между покупателем (С) и продавцом (А).
A: Can I help you?
С: Show me that hat, please.
A: Here it is.
С: I like the hat. How much is it?
A: 40 pounds.
C: Thank you. Buy.
A: Buy.
Переведи на английский язык.
Самое красивое платье – the most beautiful dress; самый большой зонт – the biggest umbrella; самые длинные брюки – the longest trousers; самая маленькая футболка – the smallest T-shirt; самый хороший костюм – the best suit; самые грязные кроссовки – the dirtiest boots; самый толстый свитер – the thickest jamper.
Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам.
1) Baby Elephant and his father went shopping yesterday. – When did Baby Elephant and his father go shopping?
2) Baby Elephant will have a nice blue shirt on tomorrow. – What will Baby Elephant have on tomorrow?
3) Father Elephant bought new socks for his son. – Who bought new socks for his son?
4) Baby Elephant was sad. – Why was Baby Elephant sad?
5) They were in Mrs Tiger's shop yesterday. – Where were they yesterday?
Заполни пропуски и запиши (some / any / not any / no).
1) Would you like some milk? – Yes, I'd like some.
2) Betsy went shopping and bought some bread.
3) Are there any letters from Miss Chatter? – Yes, there are some.
4) Were there any raincoats in the shop? – No, there were not any.
5) Can I have some juice, mum? – Sorry, but there is no juice in the bottle.
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