Биболетова 4 класс – Unit 7 – School is fun – Section 1 – What do we do at school?

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Посмотри на картинку. Сравни ваш класс с классом на картинке. Расскажи об этом.
There is the teacher's table in the picture. There is the teacher's table in our classroom, too. There are pictures on the walls in the picture. There are no pictures on the walls in our classroom. There is a goldfish in the picture. There are no goldfish in our classroom. There is a poster in the picture. There are posters in our classroom, too. There are desks in the picture. There are desks in our classroom, too. There is a blackboard in the picture. There is a blackboard in our classroom, too.
Прочитай слова. Выбери то, что вы обычно делаете в классе.
Dance – танцевать; clean – убирать; draw – рисовать; clean – убирать, read – читать; help – помогать; count – считать; write – писать; listen – слушать; play – играть; jump – прыгать; speak – говорить; sing – петь; learn – учить; run – бегать; sit – сидеть; stand – стоять; ask questions – задавать вопросы; answer the questions – отвечать на вопросы; discuss – обсуждать; tell – рассказывать; copy – переписывать; retell – пересказывать; translate (from English into Russian) – переводить (с английского на русский); watch – смотреть; feed – кормить; learn by heart – учить наизусть; think – думать.
Скажи, что вы обычно делаете на уроке и на перемене.
In the lesson we usually read books.
During the break we usually dance.
In the lesson we usually draw pictures.
During the break we usually run and jump.
In the lesson we usually answer questions.
Закончи предложения: скажи, что ученики должны и не должны делать на уроке.
Pupils must do their homework every day.
Pupils mustn't climb on the teacher's table.
Pupils must keep their desks clean.
Pupils mustn't take their pet to the lesson.
Pupils must do what their teacher says.
Pupils mustn't speak loudly in the classroom.
Pupils mustn't sleep in the classroom.
Pupils must answer the teacher's questions.
Pupils must translate from English into Russian.
Pupils mustn't talk with their friends at lessons.
Pupils mustn't draw on the walls of their classroom.
Скажи, что твой одноклассник должен делать, чтобы быть хорошим учеником.
You must do your homework every day.
You mustn't climb on the teacher's table.
You must keep your desk clean.
You mustn't take your pet to the lesson.
You must do what your teacher says.
You mustn't speak loudly in the classroom.
You mustn't sleep in the classroom.
You must answer the teacher's questions.
You must translate from English into Russian.
You mustn't talk with your friend at lessons.
You mustn't draw on the walls of your classroom
Скажи, что ты обычно делаешь на уроке английского языка.
In the English lesson we speak English, learn texts and poems by heart, play games, translate words, write, read, listen to English songs.
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