Ваулина 5. Модуль 2b

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Напишите слова.
1. helmet;
2. bicycle;
3. handbag;
4. digital camera;
5. watch;
6. teddy bear.
Обведите правильный ответ.
1. a;
2. b;
3. b;
4. b.
Закончите предложения.
1. This is a basketball and that is a cap.
2. This is a skateboard and that is a watch.
3. These are gloves and those are trainers.
4. This is a guitar and that is a scarf.
Напишите во множественном числе.
1. These are dolls.
2. Those are buses.
3. These are foxes.
4. Those are leaves.
5. Those are brushes.
6. These are men.
7. These are toys.
8. These are mice.
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