Ваулина 5. Учебник. Модуль 6а

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Ежедневные дела
а) Посмотри на картинки. Что делает Салли утром / днем / вечером?
1 In the morning: Sally gets up, goes jogging, has breakfast and goes to school.
2 In the afternoon: Sally has lunch, does homework, works on computer and has a cup of tea.
3 In the evening: Sally does the shopping, eats dinner, watches a DVD and goes to bed.
Как спросить / ответить на вопрос “Который час?”
а) Посмотрите на часы. Как это звучит на вашем языке?
1 o’clock — часов;
2 quarter past — четверть после;
3 half past — половина;
4 quarter to — без четверти.
Заполните пропуски в тексте данными предлогами. Послушайте и проверьте.
In the morning …
Lara always gets 1) up at 7 o’clock, and gets dressed. Then, she 2) goes jogging and works out in her gym — and all this before breakfast! Lara 3) has a big breakfast at about quarter to nine, then she sometimes goes shopping or works 4) on her computer for a while.
In the afternoon …
Lara usually eats lunch at about quarter past one. Her father John often visits her and they have a 5) cup of tea and talk about work together.
In the evening …
Before dinner, Lara usually practices kickboxing. She eats dinner at about half 6) past six. Then, she relaxes. She reads a book or watches a DVD. She never 8) goes to bed really late because she’s usually very busy the next day! It’s not easy being an action hero!
Наречия частотности (always, usually, often, sometimes, never)
а) Посмотрите на предложения. В какое место мы ставим наречия частотности в предложение? Найдите примеры в тексте.
Lara always get at 7 o’clock, and get dressed.
Then she goes jogging and works out in her gym.
After breakfast Lara sometimes goes shopping or works on her computer for a while.
Lara usually eats lunch at about quarter past one.
Her father John often visits her and they have a cup of tea and t about work together.
Before evening, Lara usually practices kickboxing.
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