Ваулина, 7. Рабочая тетрадь. Модуль 1. Translators Corner

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Переведи на английский язык:
a) to lead a healthy lifestyle, peace and quiet, convenient public transport, beautiful / amazing landscapes, to switch off a mobile (phone), crowded streets, heavy traffic, to install an alarm system;
b) to drive safely, to read the text carefully, to behave badly, to run into a friend;
c) on Sundays, to go to the beach, to play volleyball, to chat with friends.
Переведи предложения:
1. You should always have an ID in a strange city.
2. He looks / is looking very tired. He should go to the country to relax away from the hustle and bustle.
3. Mark usually reads at his time but today he is playing board games with his friend.
4. We ran out of sugar, we should go and buy some.
5. Do you feel homesick when you are on holiday?
Переведи текст:
Kolomenskoye is my favourite place in Moscow. If you are interested in history you can learn a lot of things there, especially about the period of Peter I. I like folklore festivals with their bright costumes, folk songs and dances and traditional Russian dishes very much. I enjoy the beautiful views of the park and the Moskva-river. Fresh air, peace and quiet of the historical places make the visitors really happy. Kolomenskoye is one of the most popular places to visit for Muscovites and tourists from all over Russia and foreign countries.
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