Вербицкая, 6. Unit 10

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Прочитайте письмо американской девочки в The RAP в упр. 6, стр. 15 (Учебник, 2 часть). Заполните таблицу информацию о ней и о себе.
Trudy Walker You
Name Trudy Maria
Surname Walker Petrova
Age 12 14
Name / number of school #100
Subjects studied French, English, Maths, History, Geography, PE, Science, English, Russian, Literature, History, Maths, Geography, PE, Science, Art
School starts at 9:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m.
School finishes at 4 o’clock 2 o’clock
Lunch at home Yes Yes
School on Saturday No Yes
Likes Geography English, Literature
Dislikes Maths Maths
Посмотрите на изображение комнаты Майка и напишите список предметов, которые он изучает в школе.
At school Mike does English, Geography, PE, Maths, Science, Biology.
Объясните, почему вы думаете, что Майк изучает эти предметы в школе. Прочитайте памятку “Mind the trар!”и напишите как минимум 5предложений.
1. I think Mike does Geography because there’s an atlas in his room.
2. I think Mike does PE because there is a sportswear in his room.
3. I think Mike does Maths because there’s a mathbook in his room.
4. I think Mike does Science because there is a box with rulers in his room.
5. I think Mike does Biology because there’s a fish in his room.
Напишите эквиваленты на английском к данным фразам на русском языке.
1. Use the Internet
2. Borrow something
3. Start school
4. Finish school
5. Do a school subject
Заполните пропуски, используя there или their.
1. There
2. Their
3. There
4. Their
5. Their
6. Their
7. There
Дополните предложения правильной формой глагола to be.
1. Is
2. Are
3. Am
4. Are
5. Are
6. Is
Дополните предложения правильной формой глагола to be.
1. ‘s
2. Is
3. Am
4. Are
5. Are
6. Are
Посмотрите на картинку и опишите, что делают эти дети вместо изучения математики. Используйте фразы из рамки. Не следуйте примеру этих детей!
1. Dave’s reading a comic.
2. Martin’s listening to music.
3. Tanya’s making an airplane.
4. Simon’s reading a book.
5. John and Janet are playing a game.
6. Teresa and Paul are playing with Lego.
7. Sue’s writing on the desk.
Посмотрите на картинку еще раз и напишите, что вы не должны делать во время урока.
1. We mustn’t read comics during lessons.
2. We mustn’t write on the desk during lessons.
3. We mustn’t play a game during lessons.
4. We mustn’t play with Lego during lessons.
5. We mustn’t listen to music during lessons.
6. We mustn’t make an airplane during lessons.
7. We mustn’t read a book during lessons.
Задайте общий вопрос к данным предложениям.
1. Are Trevor and Robert talking?
2. Is Jane playing computer games?
3. Are Tom and Jason playing basketball?
4. Is he having breakfast?
5. Is he discussing a TV programme?
6. Are they doing their history homework?
7. Is Daniel writing a letter at the moment?
8. Is she talking to her mother on the phone?
Прослушайте два диалога еще раз и исправьте ошибки.
Video > TV
Comedy > cartoon
Film > cartoon
Lion – tiger
Tree > stone
Посмотрите на картинки и напишите диалоги, используя предложения из рамки. Разыграйте диалог в парах.
1. Can I go to Sarah’s house this afternoon?
2. Have you got any homework?
3. No, I haven’t.
4. Yes, all right, you can.
5. Can you play tennis?
6. Yes, I can.
7. Do you want to play tennis this afternoon?
8. OK. Oh, there’s a problem. I haven’t got any tennis balls.
9. That’s OK. I’ve got 5 pounds. We can buy some at the sport shop.
10. Great. Let’s go.
11. How much are those balls?
12. They’re 1.50.
13. OK. Three? please.
14. That’s 4.50.
Что означают эти аббревиатуры?
РЕ – Physical Education.
ICT – Information and Communications Technology
RE – Religious Education
GB – Great Britain
The UK – the United Kingdom
The USA – the United States of America
GSCE – General Certificate of Secondary Education
Объясните разницу между общеобразовательной школы в Англии и США.
In Great Britain a public school is a school where parents pay fees.
In the USA public school is the Free State School.
Какие это предметы.
1. Music
2. Maths
3. Geography
4. Science
7. History
8. Physical Education
Прочитайте отрывок из письма Саймона и напишите подобный о себе.
Му name’s Maria Petrova and I’m fourteen years old. I go to school № 100 in Moscow. My favorite subjects are English and Literature. I quite like Russian too, but I don’t like Maths and Science.
Напишите предложения – просьбы.
1. Can I go swimming?
2. Can I borrow the radio?
3. Can I read comics?
4. Can I go out this evening?
5. Can I borrow your mp3-player?
6. Can I use a bycicle?
7. Can I listen to music?
Что для вас значит школа? Что вам больше всего нравится в школе? Подумайте о своей школе и школьной жизни. Дополните диаграмму и расскажите классу о своих мыслях.
School are:
Subjects, breaks, lessons, classmates, Art, sports, teachers, admaster.
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