Вербицкая, 6. Unit 16

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Найдите 8 музыкальных стилей в магическом квадрате и запишите их.
Jazz, rock, class, rap, pop, blues, techno.
Выпишите слова передающие мнение о чем-либо из рамки в нужную категорию.
Positive – great, amazing, excellent
Neutral – ok, all right, not bad
Negative – boring, terrible, awful
Напишите свое мнение об этих музыкальных стилях используя слова и фразы из упр. 2.
2. I don’t like jazz. It’s boring.
3. I like reggae. It’s ok.
4. I don’t like techno. It’s terrible.
5. I like rap. It’s all right.
6. I like classical music. It’s amazing.
7. I don’t like pop-music. It’s awful.
8. I don’t like blues. It’s boring.
Посмотрите на картинки. Вы знаете, как называют эти виды спорта и игры дети в Англии?
water polo,
table tennis,
1. false
2. true
3. true
4. not-stated
5. not-stated
6. true
7. false
8. false
Прочитайте разговор на странице 72 (Учебник, 2 часть). Правдивы эти утверждения, ложны или вообще не упоминаются?
Опишите картинку на стр. 72 (Учебник, 2 часть). Напишите одно неверное утверждение в своем описании и пометьте как ложное.
Rachel and Nevita ask Deep river some questions. Deep river musicians don’t like classical music. They do some sports. Ron goes swimming (F), Rick goes cycling.
Прочитайте дискуссию в чате и добавьте свои ответы.
Answer 2:My favorite TV show is “Voice”. It’s an exciting show. There are four people sitting in armchairs with their backs turned to the stage. So, they don’t see a person singing. And if they like singing, they turn their armchairs to the Stage. Most of the contestants sing perfectly! I like singing.
Прочитайте текст “Музыка в нашей жизни” на стр. 75 (Учебник, 2 часть) и найдите последнее предложение для каждого параграфа. Заполните таблицу.
A – 4;
В – 1;
С – 5;
D – 2;
Е – 3.
Прочитайте предложения и соотнесите их с русским переводом.
1 – E;
2 – C;
3 – А;
4 – В;
5 – D.
Напишите вопросы для данных ответов. Иногда может быть задан более чем 1 вопрос.
What do you always do in the morning? What do you listen to in the morning?
Where do you study music?
Do you listen the music when doing your homework?
What do people do at the Eisteddfod? What is Eisteddfod?
What do sportsmen do before competitions? Do sportsmen like listening to music?
Найдите предложения, этими словосочетаниями в тексте “Музыка в нашей жизни” (Учебник, 2 часть). Какие части речи слова с окончанием-ing? Почему вы так думаете?
Weddings – a noun;
Waiting – an adjective;
Soothing, relaxing – an adjective.
Прослушайте загадку “Угадай группу” и напиши три любимые группы Сары Сток.
Прослушайте беседу о двух фото и сделайте заметки.
Both photos show music being played.
The first one was taken in the concert hall. There’s a choir on stage. The man in the front row is the speaker’s father. Later he performed as a soloist.
The second photo was taken in the school festival of arts. Nick Brown wasn’t a professional singer yet. He was carried away, inspired by the music.
Прочитайте текст о группе The Police на стр. 77 (Учебник, 2 часть) и дополните таблицу.
Name of band The Police
Names of members Steward Copeland, Andy Summers, Cordon Summer (Sting)
Started playing 1977
First successful record Can’t Stand Losing You (1979)
Other records Regatta de Blanc, Zenyatta Mondatta, Ghost in the Machine, Synchronicity
Last record 1983
Most famous member Sting
Посмотрите на картинки и напишите, чем раньше были эти люди.
2. Teresa used to Be a pianist
3. Ray used to be an actor
4. Beryl used to be a teacher
5. Ann used to be a tennis player
6. chuck used to be an artist
7. Reg used to be a golf player
8. Nigel used to be a singer.
Напишите о себе а возрасте 7 лет. Следуйте примеру.
2. When I was sever I used to learn how to write.
3. When I was seven I used to learn swimming.
4. When I was seven I used to go cycling.
5. When I was seven I used to play with dolls.
6. When I was seven I used to play with my mum and dad.
7. When I was seven I used to learn to play chess.
8. When I was seven I used to read fairy tales.
9. When I was seven I used to play hide-and-seek.
Прочитайте тексты и упр. 17, стр. 78 (Учебник, 2 часть) и найдите английские эквиваленты для следующих слов и фраз.
Join the army.
Bring much money.
Die in poverty.
Opera based on Pushkin’s poem.
Serve as a national anthem.
Make someone world famous.
Devote whole life to music.
Be famous for his operas.
Прослушайте ТВ гид и дополните таблицу.
Day of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Time 5:45 p.m 5:30 p.m 6 o’clock 4:30 p.m 6:20 p.m
Programme Animal Fun Computer World Time for sport The Simpsons Game Time Special
Представьте, что вы проводите интервью для The RAP. Задайте вопросы и догадайтесь, какие ответы дал бы Роки Стардаст, знаменитый певец. Используйте конструкцию used to и словосочетания из рамки. Разыграйте диалог в парах.
Rocky: yes I did
You: did you have guitar lessons?
Rocky: yes, I did
You: what songs helped you to earn a lot of money?
Rocky: Actually, it was album called “Stardust”
You: how long did you live with your parents?
Rocky: I left home at the age of eighteen
You: did you study hard in a musical school?
Rocky: yes, I studied really hard.
You: do you have many friends?
Rocky: no, I don’t have any friends.
You: do you always come home late after concerts?
Rocky: Sure, I do
You: do you travel a lot, having concerts all over the world?
Rocky: oh, yes! I’ve visited many places.
Узнайте о предпочтениях этих людей. Напишите вопросы и ответьте на них, как в примере.
Do you like pop, Emma? – I think it’s OK.
Do you like jazz, Karen? – I do. It’s great.
Do you like rock, Rebecca? – Yes, I do. It’s all right.
Do you like reggae, Ian? – No, I don’t! it’s so boring.
Do you like blues, Matthew? -I do. It’s excellent.
Дайте ответы на анкету The RAP и узнайте больше о себе! (Смотрите стр. 125)
1. b;
2. с;
3. с;
4. с;
5. b;
6. c;
7. b;
8. а.
Дополните предложения по результатам анкеты The RAP.
Cheerful and optimistic person.
Didn’t form his / her music preferences. He / she listens to music of different genres without giving preferences to any of them.
Isn’t interested in music.
Needs to analyze what music genres he / she likes.
Посмотрите на картинку и придумайте историю, чтобы рассказать в классе. Напишите список полезных слов и фраз.
This is concert of my favorite bands. Concert, band
I was at the concert, it was exciting! The soloist was great! He has a strong voice. Exciting, soloist, strong voise
The guitar player was cool! I’d like to have guitar lessons and play like him! Guitar player
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