Верещагина 2 класс. Приложение 3.

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I, you, we, they, children, boy, girl, pupil, mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, friend, sister, brother, aunt, uncle.
Jump, skip, run, ski, skate, skateboard, play badminton, volleyball, football, tennis, hockey, baseball.
Swim-swimmer, sports ground, gym, swimming pool, stadium, skating rink.
Make a snowman, watch TV, dance on the ice, roller skate, skip over the rope, draw, sing, dance.
Worker, teacher, dentist, doctor, pilot, officer, economist, businessman, housewife.
Black, white, green, brown, yellow, grey, blue, red.
Bear, ball, doll, car, plane, frog, dog, puppy, cat, kitten.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
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