Верещагина 2 класс. Student’s Book. Part 2. Урок 50.

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The children’s names are Jane, Kate and Bob.
The boys’ toys are funny.
Your aunt’s children are my cousins, Den and Tim.
The girls’ toys are nice.
My mother’s husband is my father.
My parents’ parents are my grandparents.
Давайте поговорим.
Обсудите со своими одноклассниками стихотворение «Спокойной ночи».
1. The poem “Goodnight” is about a boy.
2. The boy is little.
3. He has got mother, father, sister, brother.
4. He says goodnight to his parents.
5. He says goodnight to his brother and sister.
6. He wants his brother to kiss him.
7. I like the poem. It is very nice. I love my parent too.
8. I say goodnight to my parents.
9. My parents say goodnight to me.
10. My mother kisses me “Goodnight”.
11.1 like to kiss my mother.
Время загадок.
Найдите 10 слов на тему «Семья».
Grandparents, uncle, niece, sister, husband, grandmother, parents, aunt, wife, mother.

Домашнее задание

Напишите о семье «Трех медведей».
Mother and father have a baby. His name is Teddy. He is a nice bear. They live happily.
Расскажите о стихотворении «Утиная семья».
The poem “A duck family” is about Father Duck, Mother Duck and their children. They go for a swim. Their children are nice and clean. There are seven of them. They swim on the lake. I like this poem. It is very funny. The yellow ducklings are very nice.
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