Верещагина 2 класс. Workbook. Part 2. Урок 48.

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Попытайтесь письменно объяснить, кто они такие.
1. Nick is mother is my mother’s sister.
2. Dan is my mother’s son.
3. Fred is my father’s brother.
4. She is my mother’s mother.
5. He is my father’s father.
6. She is my father’s wife.
Напишите 4 предложения, используя слова, данные в таблице.
1. A dog is on the table.
2. A cat is under the chair.
3. A puppy is in the box.
4. A toy is in the bag.
Посмотрите на картинку и напишите, где находятся игрушки.
A doll is on the chair. A ball is under the chair. A monkey (a horse, a cat) is on the table. A bear (a rabbit, a ball) is under the table. A dog (a puppy) is in the bag.
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