Верещагина, Афанасьева 5. Учебник. Lesson 10

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The trousers, the t-short, the flower are purple.
It’s very pleasant to be in the country when fruit trees are in blossom.
It’s very pleasant to be in the country when birds come back.
It’s very pleasant to be in the country when flowers smell sweet in the fields.
It’s very pleasant to be in the country when the sun is high up in the sky.
It’s very pleasant to be in the country when it doesn’t rain.
It’s very pleasant to be in the country when it doesn’t snow.
It’s very pleasant to be in the country when it is not windy.
What a beautiful girl!
What clear water!
What an interesting book!
What beautiful nature!
What a kind face!
What useful information!
Nelly: What is it about?
Nelly: No, I have never heard about it. And what is the earliest flower?
Nelly: Yes, they are very beautiful and they can be of all colours.
Nelly: I was born in March.
Caroline: Oh, then it’s daffodil.
What is your favorite flower?
What do you like best spring or summer flowers?
Do you like to pick them up?
Which flowers do you have in your garden?
Do you like to give flowers to people?
1. Coca-Cola is not only enjoyed in China, it is enjoyed all over the world.
2. Cheese is not made from water, it is made from milk.
3. Meat is not bought in museums, it is bought in shops.
4. Flowers are not always grown in villages, they are grown in cities too.
5. Zoos are sometimes visited in winter.
6. Pictures are sometimes stolen from museums.
1. Stamps are sold in a post office.
2. Churches are not built everywhere nowadays.
3. This thing is used very often.
4. English is spoken in Africa.
5. Many languages are spoken in India.
6. Many American programmes are shown on Russian television nowadays.
1. Is a rose really known as an emblem of England?
2. Are songs really sung in Music classes?
3. Are cars really sold at special shops?
4. Is football really played all over the world?
5. Is breakfast really cooked in the morning?
People must protect Indian tigers.
People must protect African elephants.
People must protect animals.
People must protect Lake Baikal.
People must protect nature.
People must protect little children.
People must protect dolphins.
People must protect plants.
People must protect fish.
People must protect water.
It is possible for me to go fishing this week.
It is impossible for him to go to the seaside this week because it is not a holiday now.
It is possible for me to go to the football match this week.
It is impossible for me to finish my work this week.
In Egypt the climate is very mild.
In Russia the climate is not very mild.
In Italy the climate is very mild.
In India the climate is very mild.
In Norway the climate is not very mild.
Don’t play on the road. You will get under a car.
Don’t eat too much. You will feel bad.
Don’t go for a walk in the rain. You will get ill.
The house was built in 1990.
The room was cleaned last night.
The newspapers were read yesterday.
The shop was closed at 19.00.
Планета Земля в опасности
22 апреля день защиты Земли. Люди во всём мире думают о нашей планете. Они думают о воздухе, о воде, о растениях и животных на Земле. Они говорят, что наша планета в опасности. Многие люди не знают, как защитить мир растений и животных, как сохранить воду чистой и воздух свежим. Но они готовы сделать это. Они пытаются помочь природе.
Вода очень важна для жизни на Земле. Она в морях, реках и озёрах. На нашей планете много воды, но в то же время на ней мало воды. Это так, потому что очень мало воды пригодно для питья. Во многих реках и озёрах вода очень грязная. Иногда люди не могут даже плавать в море, потому что вода в нём грязная. Во многих местах вода не пригодна для питья. Опасно использовать такую воду для приготовления пищи. Даже рыба погибает в такой воде.
Например, Байкал самое глубокое озеро с свежей питьевой водой. Его глубина 1741 метр. Озеро очень красиво, но сейчас оно в большой опасности из-за заводов, расположенных рядом с ним. В некоторых местах вода настолько грязная, что она может убить животных и растения в Байкале и его окрестностях.
Образ жизни людей изменил климат на нашей планете. В настоящее время температура растёт. В Москве больше не бывает настоящей русской зимы. На севере Европы климат стал более мягким и тёплым.
Если температура вырастет на 3-4 градуса, то на нашей планете станет невозможно жить.
Некоторая деятельность людей приносит много вреда лесам. Люди рубят деревья, чтобы строить фермы, дома и дороги. Многие животные и растения теряют свои дома. Это плохо для воздуха на планете. Современные заводы и фабрики выбрасывают много дыма в воздух. Это тоже очень плохо, так как в настоящее время в больших городах стало тяжело дышать.
Проблема заключается в том, чтобы защитить жизнь на Земле, спасти нашу планету для людей.
True, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true
From the beginning of the text to the end of the first paragraph: How to protect the Earth.
From the beginning of the second paragraph to the end of the fifth paragraph: Water is very important for our life.
From the beginning of the sixth paragraph to the end of the text: Forests are in danger.
April 22 is Earth Day. People all over the world think about the Earth. They say our planet is in danger. Water is often so dirty that it is impossible even to swim in such water. And it is sometimes dangerous to use it when you cook. The forests are also in danger. People have cut many trees. And it is very bad because the air on our planet depends on the forests. It is sometimes impossible to breathe in big cities.
So we must protect life on the Earth, to save our planet for people.
1. Why water is very important for life?
2. Why is it impossible sometimes even to swim?
3. Why is it dangerous sometimes to use water when you cook?
4. Why is Lake Baikal in great danger?
5. Which people’s activities do a lot of harm to the forests?
6. Why do many animals and plants lose their homes?
7. What is the deepest lake on the Earth?
8. Do people try to, help nature?
9. Is our planet really in danger?
10. Does the temperature grow on our planet?
1. These houses were built last year.
2. A lot of new houses are built in our country.
3. The butter was bought yesterday.
4. People buy butter in the shop.
5. Cheese is made from milk.
6. The soup was cooked yesterday in the afternoon.
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