Верещагина, Афанасьева 5. Учебник. Lesson 11

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The children were playing with the ball when the spaceship landed.
The children were swimming when the spaceship landed.
The workers were building the house when the spaceship landed.
The woman was locking the door when the spaceship landed.
The man was buying fruit when the spaceship landed.
The dog was sleeping when the spaceship landed.
The orange tastes fresh.
The flowers smell pleasant.
The birds sound wonderful.
The blossoms smell sweet.
The river sounds nice.
The birds’ songs sound wonderful.
The boys feel well.
The man feel bad.
The apple tastes fresh.
The music sounds wonderful.
It is possible for him to read.
It is impossible for him to dance.
It is possible for him to sing.
It is possible for him to play chess.
It is possible for him to play the piano.
It is impossible for him to play football.
It is impossible for him to swim.
It is possible for him to listen to the radio.
In summer I went to the village. Air is always very fresh there and it is easy to breathe. Fresh air does a lot of good. There were a lot of flowers in blossom which smelled pleasant. They were purple, red, yellow and white. The village is situated near the river. The river is very deep. The climate is very mild there.
People can take care of animals and birds when they are in danger.
The water in Lake Baikal is sometimes so dangerous that people can’t even swim in it. The water is dangerous because there are a lot of plants and factories near the lake that do a lot of harm to the water and the air.
Moscow was founded in 1147.
America was discovered in 1492.
Tables are usually made of wood.
Coffee is grown in Brazil.
Porridge is usually cooked for breakfast in our family.
breathe, protect, save, kill, to do a lot of harm, factory, climate, in blossom, temperature, car, smell
Андроклес и лев
Андроклес был рабом. Он бежал через лес. Он хотел спрятаться среди деревьев. Он хотел убежать далеко от деревни, где он жил и был рабом. Он считал, что его жизнь была трудна, на самом деле она была невыносима. Андроклес хотел спасти свою жизнь в лесу. Вдруг он увидел большого льва. Никого рядом с ним не было. Андроклес испугался, но понял, что лев не сможет сделать ему никакого вреда. Лев тяжело дышал. Он хотел показать Андроклесу, что что-то случилось с его лапой. Лев не мог говорить на языке людей, но он хотел сказать: “Спаси меня! Защити меня! Помоги мне!” Андроклес посмотрел на лапу тигра и увидел большую колючку. Она была глубоко в лапе. Андроклес вытащил её. Лев стал счастлив. Они стали друзьями, и лев приносил ему каждый день еду.
Но в один день войска Императора поймали Андроклеса и его друга, льва.
Они доставили их в Рим и разлучили их. Они не давали никакой еды льву. Лев стал очень голодным, и в клетку к нему бросили на съедение Андроклеса. Но лев был его настоящим другом. Он не убил Андроклеса. Он был рад видеть своего друга.
Император не мог понять этого. Андроклеса доставили к нему, и он рассказал Императору свою историю. Император приказал дать льву поесть и отпустил их обоих.
The hungry lion didn’t eat Androcles because he was his real friend.
Androcles looked at the lion’s paw and discovered a large thorn in it. He took it away.
They became friends and the lion brought him food every day.
He became very hungry and then they gave Androcles to eat.
What did Androcles do in the forest?
Whom did he see there?
What did the lion want to say?
What happened one day?
Why did the Emperor let the friends go away?
Androcles was a slave. He ran into the forest to save his life there. Suddenly he saw a big lion. But the lion couldn’t do him any harm. The lion wanted something to say. Androcles saw a big thorn in the lion’s paw and he took it out. They became friends and the lion brought him food every day. But one day the Emperor’s people caught both Androcles and his friend the lion. They didn’t give any food to the lion and then he became very hungry. They gave Androcles to eat. But the lion was his real friend — he didn’t eat Androcles. The Emperor couldn’t understand it. Then Androcles told him the story and the emperor gave food to the lion and let them both go away.
1. Why did Androcles want to run far from the village?
2. Why was his life hard?
3. What did he see in the forest?
4. Why did Androcles understand that the lion couldn’t do him any harm?
5. What did the lion tried to say?
6. Why was the lion happy?
7. Who caught both Androcles and his friend?
8. Where did they bring the friend?
9. What did they do with them?
10. Why was the lion happy to see Androcles?
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