Верещагина, Афанасьева 5. Учебник. Lesson 14

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Verbs: to belong, to sign, to include, to elect, to consist, to offer, to delay, to be surprised.
Nouns: a kingdom, power, a state, an industry, a law, a lawyer.
Adjectives: royal, industrial, careful, permanent, former.
Adverbs: carefully, lonely, especially.
It is out of your power to change the laws.
It is in his power to offer his help.
It is in their power to change the life of people.
It is out of her power to help the government.
It is out of her power to change the plan.
It is in our power to help the lawyer.
The Royal family isn’t very big.
In former days the British Empire was very big.
The House of Lords can offer and delay laws.
The British elect the members of the House of Commons every five years.
It is out of his power to help the poor.
It is out of her power to help the government because the power doesn’t belong to her.
A lawyer can be a member of the House of Lords.
The members of the House of Lords are permanent.
The British Empire included a lot of countries.
What belongs to him?
Whom did he offer it?
Why was it delayed?
Mary says that sometimes her Dad does. She says that he likes to travel by car very much.
David is interested where they usually go.
Mary says that they often go to the mountains. She says that they are going to the Oka soon. She invites David to come with them.
David says that he’d love to.
1. You speak quietly.
2. You eat slowly.
3. You play in the street.
4. You put your fingers in your mouth.
5. You sit when somebody is talking.
6. You speak loudly
7. You say “Thank you” when you get a compliment.
1. Do it either today or tomorrow.
2. Buy either apples or oranges.
3. He will be either a lawyer or a scientist.
4. Either my sisters or my brother are going to offer them help.
5. Either my brothers or my cousins will continue this work.
way, seldom, hardly ever, dull, knowledge.
You shouldn’t show off.
You should get deep knowledge.
You shouldn’t offend people.
You shouldn’t lie.
You should look respectable.
You should have a sense of humor.
You should put a spoon and a fork for desert in front of the plate.
You should put a glass to the right of the plate.
You should put a bread or a cheese knife to the right of the plate near with a big knife for meat or fish.
You should put a soup spoon to the right of the plate near with the bread or cheese knife.
Британский образ жизни
В течение четырёх лет изучения английского вы уже много узнали об этом языке и людях, которые на нём говорят. Вот некоторые сведения о Британии, если вы хотите сравнить образ жизни в этой стране и на континенте.
В Англии многие вещи происходят наоборот. На континенте люди редко говорят о погоде. Если они всё же говорят о погоде, то это означает, что им нечего больше обсудить. В Англии, если вы не повторяете фразу “Сегодня славный день, не правда ли?” двести раз в день, люди удивляются и думают, что вы очень скучный человек. На континенте воскресные газеты выходят в понедельник; в Англии (страну действительно трудно понять) они выходят в воскресенье. На континенте некоторые люди любят кошек, другие нет, но в Англии кошки очень особенные животные. Все их любят и заботятся о них.
На континенте люди гордятся тем, что они знают. Они пытаются показать свои знания и часто цитируют греческих и латинских писателей. В Англии только те, кто не знает их или не читал их, делает это.
Вы можете обидеть человека с континента во многих случаях, например, если будете смеяться над ним или шутить над его жизнью или работой.
Но англичане принимают всё с чувством юмора. Вы можете обидеть их, если скажете, что у них нет чувства юмора.
Люди на континенте говорят вам либо правду, либо ложь, в Англии очень редко врут, но и правду тоже редко говорят.
По воскресеньям на континенте даже самый бедный человек надевает свою лучшую одежду и пытается красиво и представительно выглядеть. В Англии даже самый богатый человек одевается в старую одежду и не бреется.
Многие жители континента считают, что жизнь — это игра; англичане считают, что крикет игра. На континенте хорошая еда. В Англии хорошие манеры за столом.
The writer of the text has got a sense of humor.
Манеры за столом:
Вы должны сидеть прямо.
Вы не должны есть пальцами.
Вы не должны класть руки на стол.
Вы должны класть грязные нож, ложку и вилку на тарелку.
Вы не должны говорить с набитым ртом.
Вы не должны облизывать пальцы.
Вы должны говорить спасибо после еды.
In England if you don’t repeat the phrase “It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?” two hundred times a day people are surprised and think that you are very dull.
In England (the country is really hard to understand) they appear on Sunday.
In England cats are very special animals. Everyone loves them and takes care of them.
In England only those who doesn’t know some writers or who haven’t read them do it.
But the English take everything with a sense of humor.
In England they hardly ever lie, but they don’t tell you the truth either.
In England even the richest man dresses in some old clothes and doesn’t shave.
The English think cricket is a game.
In England people have good table manners.
Grandmother Loo tells Tom not to lick his fingers.
Grandmother Loo tells Alice to put her dirty spoon and fork on her plate.
Grandmother Loo tells Bob not to lick his knife.
Grandmother Loo tells John to sit up straight.
Grandmother Loo tells Jane not to eat with her fingers.
In Britain they speak much about weather but on the continent people speak about weather only if they have nothing to discuss. In Britain they all love cats and take care of them. On the continent Sunday newspapers come out on Monday but in England they come out on Sunday. On the continent people like to put on their best clothes but in England they don’t; they even don’t shave on Sunday. People on the continent think that life is a game but in England they think that cricket is a game.
In England they have good table manners. They don’t put their el-bows on the table. They never talk with their mouths full. They know how to use forks and knives.
I think that in Russia we have the same table manners and all over Europe people have the same table manners.
1. You should sit up straight.
2. You shouldn’t eat with your fingers.
3. You shouldn’t put your elbows on the table.
4. You should put your dirty knife, fork, spoon on your plate.
5. You shouldn’t talk with your mouth full.
6. You shouldn’t lick your fingers.
7. You should say “Thank you” after the meal.
In England people often speak about weather.
In England Sunday papers appear on Sunday.
In England everybody loves cats and takes care of them.
In England only those who don’t know or who haven’t read Greek and Latin writers quote them.
politeness, neatness, thoughtfulness, punctuality.
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