Верещагина, Афанасьева 5. Учебник. Lesson 15

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You should be more careful.
You shouldn’t lie in the sun for 3 hours.
You shouldn’t show off your knowledge.
You shouldn’t offend your friends.
You should speak to your lawyer.
You should respect your teachers.
You shouldn’t go to bed at 2 o’clock.
You shouldn’t smoke.
You shouldn’t drink a lot of coffee.
You shouldn’t eat too much sweet things.
You should do physical exercises.
You should go in for sport.
1. Bob hardly ever reads books.
2. People hardly speak about weather on the continent.
3. In Britain people are hardly ever proud of the things they know.
4. In Britain people hardly do any harm to plants and animals.
5. In Britain people hardly like to live in industrial cities.
1. I like neither dull books or dull films.
2. Either you speak to my lawyer or I’ll do it.
3. Neither Nelly or Tom can elect members of Parliament.
4. I can offer you either my help or my knowledge.
5. You will neither offend them nor protect.
1. Jane asks if power in Britain belongs to the Queen.
2. Jane asks why is John laughing.
3. Jane tells that the sun sets in the west.
4. Jane tells that she lives in a small industrial city.
5. Jane tells not to do any harm to wild birds and animals.
6. Jane tells to be especially careful while crossing the street.
7. Jane tells that they all live in the United Kingdom.
8. Jane asks why does Nelly feel lonely.
9. Jane asks if they can understand these signs.
10. Jane asks if the House of Commons consist of permanent members.
You: I’m sorry for speaking to you in such a rude voice.
Jane: That’s OK. Never mind.
You: I’m sorry for being late for the party. Happy birthday!
John: Better late than never. Come in.
You: I’m sorry for breaking your favorite vase. I’ll by a new one.
Mother: That’s OK. don’t worry, dear.
hair, eye, ear, face, chin, shoulder, heart, arm, stomach, hand, leg, toe, mouth, body, finger, foot, nose, lip, head, neck, back
Bob said that he had never been to London.
Fred said that he always protected his pet.
Mary said that she never did harm to animals.
Mr. Brown said that he was surprised at the news.
Polly and Bill said that they went to school at 9 o’clock.
Lucy said that she couldn’t skate.
said, told, told, said, told.
chest, lung, cough, to touch, immediately, pain, silly.
When he fell he hurt his nose.
When he fell he hurt his arm.
The old woman had a pain in the head.
The old woman had a pain in the leg.
This is a good medicine for stomachache.
This is a good medicine for toothache.
When the doctor comes to visit my Granny, he usually listens to her chest and lungs.
When the doctor comes to visit my Granny, he usually takes her blood pressure.
When the doctor comes to visit my Granny, he usually takes her temperature.
When the doctor comes to visit my Granny, he usually feels her arms.
When the doctor comes to visit my Granny, he usually tells her to take the medicines regularly.
When the doctor comes to visit my Granny, he usually tells her how many times a day to take these medicines.
It’s silly of you to take this medicine for blood pressure.
It’s silly of him to go there immediately.
It’s silly of her to touch these things. It’s silly of you to break your promise.
It’s silly of them to break the law.
It’s silly of us to offer such help.
It’s silly of them to delay their arrival.
Хорошее здоровье превыше богатства.
У врача
Врач: Входите, пожалуйста.
Пациент: Спасибо. (кашляет)
Врач: Этот кашель звучит действительно очень плохо. Как давно он у вас?
Пациент: Около двух недель.
Врач: Я думаю, я должен послушать вашу грудь и лёгкие. Снимите вашу рубашку. Вдохните глубоко, хорошо… и ещё раз, пожалуйста, и ещё один раз. Присядьте. Я померю ваше кровяное давление.
Пациент: Могу я надеть рубашку? Здесь довольно холодно.
Врач: Да, конечно. Извините, что здесь холодно. Центральное отопление сломалось. Вы когда-нибудь занимались упражнениями?
Пациент: Не очень регулярно. Иногда. Но я практически никогда не делаю утреннюю зарядку.
Врач: Вам надо больше заниматься упражнениями. Хорошо. Сейчас я хочу проверить ваш пульс. Пожалуйста, встаньте и дотроньтесь до пальцах на ногах. Вы курите?
Пациент: Да, курю. Около десяти сигарет в день.
Врач: Вам вообще нельзя курить. Вам немедленно надо бросить. Сейчас я померю вашу температуру. Всё хорошо. Вот, принимайте это лекарство три раза в день после еды.
Пациент: Но доктор я пришёл сюда не из-за кашля.
Врач: Не из-за кашля?
Пациент: Дело в моих ногах. У меня болят ноги, когда я хожу.
Врач: Снимите ваши ботинки! Дайте я посмотрю. Сейчас не болят?
Пациент: Болят. Здесь очень сильно болит. У меня эта боль две недели.
Врач: Я понимаю. А эти ботинки. Как давно они у вас?
Пациент: Ботинки? Около двух недель, доктор. Я понял. Как это глупо с моей стороны. Спасибо, доктор. До свидания.
I think that both the doctor and the patient were silly.
1. The patient came to see the doctor because of his feet.
2. The doctor began to listen to the patient’s chest and lungs be-cause the patient had a cough.
3. It was cold in the doctor’s room because the central heating was broken.
4. The patient wasn’t a healthy man.
If a person has a headache he has a walk outdoors.
If a person can’t sleep he takes some medicine.
If a person has a toothache he goes to the dentist.
If a person has a pain in the heart he calls a doctor.
If a person has a cold, he drinks warm milk with honey or butter.
If a person has a stomachache, he goes to bed.
You should go in for sport.
You should eat regularly.
You should go to bed early.
You shouldn’t smoke.
You shouldn’t eat too much.
You shouldn’t stay a lot in the cold.
A patient came to see a doctor. He was coughing badly. The doctor said that he did not like the patient’s cough and asked him to take off his shirt. He wanted to know how long the patient had had his cough. The doctor asked if the patient took much exercise. The patient said that he didn’t do it regularly and explained that he hadn’t come about his cough. He had had his pain for 2 weeks. Then he understood that he had had new shoes for 2 weeks too.
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