Верещагина, Афанасьева 5. Учебник. Lesson 16

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P1: A head
P2: An ear
Pi: A mouth
P2: An arm
P1: A body
P2: A chin
P1: An eye
P2: A face
P1: A finger
P2: Hair
P1: A heart
P2: A leg
P1: A foot
P2: A lip
P1: A nose
P2: A shoulder
P1: A back
P2: A neck
P1: A stomach
P2: A toe
P1: Stomachache
P2: I has a stomachache but he didn’t want to go to the doctor.
P1: Toothache
P2: Old people always have toothache.
P1: Head ache
P2:If you stay indoors for a long time you will have a headache.
P1: backache
P2: Sit up strait otherwise you will have a backache.
Don’t worry about it.
Sorry I forgot to clean my room.
That’s OK.
Excuse my breaking the glass.
1. The doctor told Peter to take his temperature twice a day.
2. The doctor asked Peter if he was coughing badly.
3. The doctor told Peter to breathe in deeply, through the nose.
4. The doctor told Peter to take medicine regularly, three times a day.
5. The doctor told Peter that he wanted to listen to his lunges.
6. The doctor asked Peter if it hurt to move.
Patient: Oh, Doctor a have a cough.
Patient: Yes, Doctor. And a terrible headache.
Patient: Yes, I have.
Doctor: Take these medicines three times a day after meal.
Patient. And what is about my headache?
Doctor. Never mind. It will disappear when you start taking these medicines.
Patient: And how long should I stay in bed?
Doctor: For about two weeks.
Patient: And for how long I should take these medicines?
Doctor: Also for two weeks.
Why didn’t you buy the medicine? Now go and buy it.
Clean the carpet now!
You should wash forks, knives and spoons immediately.
You should make up the bed immediately.
1. Ada told Susan that they would buy the medicine later.
2. Ada told Susan that Tim would phone them.
3. Ada told Susan that they would spend their holidays in Spain.
4. Ada told Susan that Bill would go shopping after lunch.
5. Ada told Susan that father would go to the bank.
6. Ada told Susan that they will go to the cinema on Monday.
1. P1: The doctor will feel my pulse.
P2: What did P1 say?
P3: He said that the doctor would go fell his pulse.
2. P1: I’m sure my little brother will break this toy car.
P2: What did P1 say?
P3: He said that he was sure that his little brother would break this toy car.
3. P1: My Granny will take my temperature.
P2: What did P1 say?
P3: He said that his Granny would take his temperature.
4. P1: My mother will take her blood pressure.
P2: What did P1 say?
P3: He said that his mother would take her blood pressure.
5. P1: My elder sister will visit a doctor tomorrow.
P2: What did P1 say?
P3: He said that his elder sister would visit a doctor tomorrow.
1. What nice weather!
2. The news is important. Who brought it?
3. The advice is good but I can’t follow it.
4. The information is wrong. Try to get it again.
5. Where is the money? I put it in the bag. I think it is there.
the throat, to nod, to examine, to swallow, the tongue, to worry.
Everybody was excited by the news.
Everybody was excited by the view.
Everybody was excited by his coming.
Everybody was excited by the book.
Everybody was excited by the party.
Everybody was excited by the fireworks.
P1: head
P2:The doctor prescribed a new medicine for the pain in my head.
P1: throat
P2: The doctor prescribed a new medicine for the pain in my throat.
P1: stomach
P2:The doctor prescribed a new medicine for the pain in my stomach.
What did the doctor examine?
What medicines did he prescribe?
What did he say to you?
Did he tell you to stay in bed?
Will he come again?
I asked him to help me and he nodded as if to say “yes”.
I asked him to prescribe the medicine and he nodded as if to say “yes”.
I asked him to examine the child and he nodded as if to say “yes”.
I asked him to swallow the spoonful of the medicine and he nodded as if to say “yes”.
I asked him to show me his tongue and he nodded as if to say “yes”.
Кто рано встаёт, тому Бог подаёт.
Роберт серьёзно болен
В прошлый четверг Рональд Белл принимал участие в футбольном матче. Игра была действительно захватывающей, и команда Роберта выиграла. Погода в тот день была совсем никуда. Было достаточно холодно, на небе были тёмные облака, и несколько раз начинался дождь.
Когда Рональд пришёл домой, он почувствовал, что с ним что-то не так. У него болела голова и горло, и в ногах была сильная боль. Он так плохо себя чувствовал, что пошёл спать без ужина. Его мать поняла, что Рональд заболел и позвонила доктору Грин. “Доктор, я думаю, что Рональд заболел. Вы можете прийти?”
Доктор Грин пришла к Беллам на следующее утро. Это была приятная женщина около 35. Она прошла в комнату к Рональду и спросила, как он себя чувствует. Потом она проверила пульс у мальчика, послушала его сердце и лёгкие: “Ты очень плохо себя чувствуешь, не так ли?” — спросила она. “Ужасно”, — кивнул Рональд. Он сказал, что иногда, когда в школе контрольная, он мог притвориться только потому, что он не хотел идти в школу. Но на этот раз это не было ложной болезнью. Доктор посмотрела горло и язык мальчика. Рональд сказал, что у него болел живот и правый бок.
Доктор Грин померила его температуру. Она была довольно высокой. Его горло было красным, и ему было сложно глотать и дышать. Мама Рональда спросила, грипп это или ангина. Но доктор Грин сказала ей не волноваться. Она сказала ей, что не грипп и не ангина. Это всего лишь простуда.
“У Рональда высокая температура. Он чихает и кашляет, но я уверена, ему станет намного лучше через несколько дней. Это несерьёзно. Я выпишу ему лекарства от головной боли и простуженного горла. Пожалуйста, миссис Белл, сходите и купите лекарства. А ты, Рональд, должен оставаться в постели по крайней мере три дня. Пей тёплое молоко с маслом, мёдом или минеральную воду. Тогда ты скоро поправишься. Веселей! Я пришлю специалиста посмотреть твой правый бок. Пока!” С этими словами она вышла из комнаты.
Ronald had “trick” illnesses when they had a test at school; he could pretend to be ill just because he didn’t want to go to school.
The weather that day wasn’t fine at all. It was rather cold, there were dark clouds in the sky and it even started to rain several times.
He had a terrible headache, a sore throat and he had a strong pain in his legs. He was running a high temperature. He was sneezing and coughing.
She took the boy’s pulse, listened to his heart and lungs.
She asked Ronald to stay in bed for 3 days at least and drink warm milk with butter, honey or mineral water.
Why was Ronald ill?
What the weather was like that day?
What did the doctor do when she came?
What pain did Ronald have?
What should Ronald do to recover?
1. The weather on the football match day.
2. Ronald health at the end of the day.
3. The mother’s call to the doctor.
4. The doctor’s visit.
5. The doctor’s advice.
One day Ronald Bell took part in a football match. The weather was very bad that day. When Ronald came home, he felt unwell. He had a terrible headache, a sore throat and he had a strong pain in his legs. His mother called the doctor. When she came next morning, she took his pulse and listened to his heart and lungs. Then she said that the boy felt very bad. She also examined his throat and tongue. Then she said that it was just a bad cold. She told Ronald to stay in bed and drink warm milk with butter and honey. She also prescribed some medicine.
When a person gets up early and goes to bed early he will be very healthy and strong. This person can do things very good because he or she is never tired or sleepy.
When I was ill last winter my mother called a doctor. When he arrived he took my pulse and listened to my heart and lungs. He also took my temperature. It was very high. He told my mother not to worry. He prescribed medicines and told me to stay in bed several days. And soon I recovered.
You should go in for sport.
You should eat regularly.
You should go to bed early.
You shouldn’t smoke.
You shouldn’t eat to much.
You shouldn’t stay a lot in the cold.
body, head, arm, leg, back, foot, neck, ear, nose, chin, eye, face, hair, heart, lip, shoulder, stomach, toe, finger.
Respectable, movable, changeable, forgettable, countable
Weakness, politeness, darkness, freshness, ugliness.
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