Верещагина, Афанасьева 5. Учебник. Lesson 2

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People usually cook food in the kitchen.
People usually work or read in the study.
People usually eat in the dining-room.
People usually watch TV in the living room.
People usually talk to heir guests in the sitting room.
People usually put off their clothes in the hall.
People usually sleep in the bedroom.
People usually wash hands in the bathroom.
table, sofa, bed, chair, armchair, sofa, bench, desk, pictures, photographs, carpet, curtains, cupboard, fridge, bookcase, electric cooker, wash-bowl, wardrobe
There is a wardrobe, a carpet, a sofa, a standardlamp in the sitting room, on the walls there are pictures. There are a bed, a lamp, a wardrobe and curtains in the bedroom.
There is a cooker, a sink, a table in the kitchen.
Peter is reading a magazine and Ben and Tom are working in the study. Ann is singing upstairs. She sings very well.
Mary and Susan are counting at the moment. Nick counts badly. The door opens well. Peter is opening the door now.
Look! The bus is leaving. It always leaves at 8.10.
Mary is singing a song (now). She always sings well.
Peter is leaving for Moscow (now).
Kate is locking the door with the key (now).
John is washing the floor (now). He washes the floor seldom.
Children are doing the lessons (now).
Boys are spending their holidays (now).
1. Why do many people learn foreign languages?
2. What are they counting?
3. When does the plane live for London?
5. How often do they write letters to their friends?
6. When does it become dark here?
7. Who is joining us?
8. What often happens?
1. How do you feel?
2. Do you know what he is reading?
3. I don’t understand what she is saying.
4. He doesn’t see what the problem is.
5. He is sleeping now. He likes to sleep after dinner.
6. She says she hears nothing.
7. Do you see the man who is standing near the window? He wants to speak to you.
The modern conveniences are hotels, TV, modern flats and castles; Indian settlements, Mr.. Porter’s Cottage are not.
1. It is dark in the room. Turn the lights on.
2. It is cold in the room. The central heating isn’t on.
3. It is very hot here, turn the electric fire off.
4. In summer the central heating is usually off in our houses.
5. My little brother can’t turn on the light. He is very small.
6. Early in the morning, when it is not dark out we turn the light on.
7. Mike is doing his lessons. Turn the television off, please.
John: Hello, Mary! Nice to see you! How are you?
Mary: I’m all right and what about you?
John: I’m fine. You know we have bought a new flat.
Mary: Have you? Where is it?
John: It’s flat 5, Number 50, Apple Street. The flat is modern and comfortable with all modern conveniences: gas, electricity, hot and cold running water.
Mary: I’m glad to hear that.
Каникулы Питера
Мистер и миссис Грей жили в большом городе. Мистер Грей работал в банке и проводил много времени на работе. Миссис Грей увлекалась музыкой и искусством. У Греев был сын по имени Питер. Питер хорошо успевал по всем предметам в школе, но он не любил мыться. Он ненавидел воду.
Мистер и Миссис Грей захотели провести каникулы в деревне. Они нашли небольшой милый домик недалеко от офиса Мистера Грея. Миссис и Питер поехали туда на выходные в начале июня. Позже Мистер Грей захотел присоединиться к ним. Питер с мамой уехали туда на две недели. Было уже поздно, когда они приехали в домик. Миссис Грей сказала Питеру:
— Мы пробудем здесь четырнадцать дней.
Мальчик вбежал в дом, зажёг свет и заглянул во все комнаты. Он увидел кухню с белым холодильником, двумя сервантами, плитой и раковиной. В доме было электричество и газ. Ещё он увидел пылесос в углу. Гостиная с длинным зеркалом и красивым камином была великолепна. В ней можно было играть в футбол.
Питер побежал назад к маме и закричал:
— Мама! Это здорово! Но я не видел ванную. Где она?
— Здесь тяжело достать воду, — сказала мама, — и здесь нет горячей и холодной воды.
— Это очень хорошо, мама, — сказал Питер. — Каникулы действительно будут замечательные!
Peter was sure that he was going to have a nice holiday because there was no hot and cold running water in the house and Peter didn’t like to wash. He hated water.
They had electricity and gas in their summer cottage.
Peter was a very jolly boy. He was a clever pupil but he was very strange, too. He didn’t like to wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Gray wanted to go to the country to spend the summer there. They had a son, Peter, who didn’t like to wash. He hated water. When Mrs. Gray and Peter arrived to the cottage it was late in the evening. They had electricity and gas in the house but there was no hot and cold water in the house. So Peter thought that they were going to have a nice holiday.
My grandparents live in the country. They have a big house with all modern conveniences: gas, electricity, hot and cold running water, tele-phone, central heating. There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a sitting room, a bathroom in the house.
My mother gets up at 7.30. And at 9.00 she is at her working place. Usually she has a lot of work to do. She talk to many people. And when she comes home in the evening she is very tired.
1. Usually I fly to London.
2. She never turns on central heating in summer.
3. We are often late.
4. Mr. Mole reads his newspaper every morning.
5. She is seldom angry.
6. My brother always helps his mother clean the carpet with the vacuum cleaner.
1. Nelly is a nurse. She works in hospital.
2. Is your brother working in the garden? — Yes. He is watering flowers.
3. Mr. Green’s secretary sends letters to London every week.
4. They do not often watch TV.
5. What is he reading? — He is reading a newspaper. He always reads it in the morning.
6. Mary is cleaning the carpet with the vacuum cleaner. She does it on Monday.
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