Верещагина, Афанасьева 5. Учебник. Lesson 8.

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The boys are playing with the ball.
The boys are painting.
The boys are washing the dishes.
The boys are eating.
The boys are swimming.
I was having breakfast at 9 o’clock yesterday.
I was watching TV at 11 o’clock yesterday.
I was reading a newspaper at 2 o’clock yesterday.
I was working in the office at 5 o’clock yesterday.
I was learning the foreign language at 7 o’clock yesterday.
1. When he was cleaning his teeth in the bathroom the telephone rang. It was his Granny. He spoke to his Granny for a few minutes.
2. When he was having his breakfast the door bell rang. It was his friend.
3. When they were leaving for school they saw Robert’s uncle from another city at the door. Robert took him in.
4. When Robert was showing their flat to his uncle there was a telephone call from his father. He explained to him why he was at home with his uncle.
Is there a library near your house?
Is there the Folk Art Museum near you?
Is there a circus in your city?
Where is the Picture Gallery situated in your city?
Is your house situated near the village?
Is there the building of the Art Exhibition near your house?
I studied yesterday. — I was studying yesterday at 3 o’clock.
I went to my grandmother last Sunday. — I was walking to my grandmother when the telephone rang.
They came three days ago. — While I was reading a magazine they were coming home from the airport.
1. I didn’t use to read books when I was a child.
2. I didn’t use to watch TV when I was a child.
3. I used to cry when I was a child.
4. I used to play with toys when I was a child.
5. I didn’t use to go to school when I was a child.
6. I didn’t use to play the guitar when I was a child.
1. We need neither fruit nor vegetables.
2. We play neither the guitar nor the violin.
3. The group has explored neither the land nor the ocean.
4. I will go to neither Canada nor Australia.
5. She drinks neither coffee nor water after lunch.
6. Yesterday neither Jack nor Steve ate pancakes and sour cream. a. Neither Ann nor Jill are fond of honey.
deep: lake, ocean, river, forest;
high: building, tree, mountain, table;
fresh: air, vegetables, milk, fruit.
Johnny has saved a little child.
Johnny has saved a cat.
Johnny has saved a dog.
Johnny has saved a bird.
Johnny has saved an old man Johnny has saved a young girl.
Two mice have hidden in the cupboard.
One mouse has hidden under the fridge.
One mouse has hidden in the cup.
One mouse has hidden in the plate.
One mouse has hidden behind the bread.
One mouse has hidden in the sink.
One mouse has hidden in the drawer.
One mouse has hidden on the shelf.
Животные в опасности
Люди живут на нашей планете уже много лет. Они жили и живут на разных континентах и в разных странах. Люди зависят от своей планеты, от солнца, от животных и растений вокруг них. Сегодня давайте прочтём и поговорим о некоторых животных на нашей планете.
Многие виды животных и птиц исчезают на Земле в настоящее время. Многие из них в опасности. Индийские тигры и Африканские слоны среди них. Люди охотятся и убивают много тигров в Индии и много слонов в Африке. Почему?
Тигры и слоны часто бывают опасны. Тигры могут убить коров, овец, других домашних животных, а иногда и человека. Некоторые люди боятся тигров и убивают их, чтобы защитить домашних животных и свои жизни. Но некоторые люди охотились на тигров ради веселья и их красивой шкуры. Они легко могут продать шкуру и получить много денег, так как цены на них очень высокие.
Результат очень плачевный. На Земле осталось очень мало Индийских тигров. Многие из них старые и больные. Многие тигры не охотятся на людей в настоящее время, а прячутся от них в дремучих, тёмных лесах. Или точнее они прятались в них раньше, сейчас осталось мало лесов для тигров. Люди вырубили много деревьев. И вопрос вот какой: “У этих животных есть будущее?”
Тот же самый вопрос мы можем задать по поводу Африканских слонов. Это прекрасные животные. Они могут помогать людям. В прошлом веке в Африке было полно слонов. Но в настоящее время их немного в парках Африки.
Это грустная история про Индийских слонов и Африканских тигров. Но многие менее опасные дикие животные исчезают в настоящее время на Земле. Современная жизнь плохо влияет на них. Воздух загрязнён. Вода грязная. У них часто нет хорошей пищи и мест обитания. Их имена вы можете найти в Красной Книге. Названия некоторых рыб вы также можете там увидеть.
Обо всех них люди должны особенно заботиться.
Мы должны сохранить диких животных.
Мы должны найти правильный баланс между землёй, людьми и животными.
Мы должны заботиться о природе.
Some animals are in danger because people have hunted them for many years. And animals often don’t have forests to live in because people have cut down many trees. Very often animals don’t have fresh air and clean water.
People have hunted and killed many tigers in India because tigers are very dangerous animals and people killed them to save their domestic animals and their lives. And some people have often hunted tigers for fun and for their beautiful skin. They can easily sell the skin and get a lot of money as the prices are high.
1. The life of the people on the Earth depends on the sun, on animals and plants around us.
2. They are disappearing because people have hunted them for years.
3. Yes, elephants can be useful. They can be used as transport.
4. Not only Indian elephants and African tigers are in danger.
5. Other animals are in danger because they don’t have fresh air and clean water.
6. We can find the names of some animals, birds and fish in the Red Book because they are disappearing now.
7. People must take special care of animals and nature.
People on our planet depend on the sun, on animals and plants around them. But now animals are in danger. Indian tigers and African elephants are among them. People have hunted and killed a lot of tigers and now there are few of them. People hunted tigers for their beautiful skin. And prices for the skin are high. African elephants are in danger too. There are not many of them in African parks.
Some birds are also disappearing from our planet. Often they don’t have clean water and enough space to live. And the air is not very fresh. You can find names of some fish in the Red Book too.
People must take care of nature and animals. We must save them.
In this country animals and birds are also in danger. And we can’t see animals in the forests because the forests are very dirty. The rivers are not clean. And of course people hunt animals. Nobody in this country thinks about how to save animals.
I was walking in the street when I saw a dog. The animal was in danger because there were many cars. The cars were coming very fast. And suddenly one struck the dog. The animal was killed at once.
Would you like to come to my birthday party?
I’d love to. When should I come?
The party will start at 15.00.
Would you like to go for a walk tomorrow?
I wish I could but I’m afraid I can’t. I’m leaving for London tomorrow.
We are having a party on Friday night. Can you come?
I’m sorry but I have a lot of work to do.
I do not feel like watching TV tonight. …
Let’s go to bed.
Can you come over for dinner on Wednesday?
Yes, when should I come?
Let’s go to the cinema tomorrow.
OK. Where shall we meet?
We will meet at the cinema.
1. I like neither hockey nor football.
2. There are neither yellow nor blue flowers among these.
3. They could rescue neither animals nor birds.
4. She hid neither badges nor stamps.
5. There was neither fresh meat nor fresh fish in the shop.
6. Neither he nor I can save money.
1. He never goes deep in the forest.
2. There is always fresh air in the forest.
3. She is a tall girl.
4. They always bring fresh flowers to the Monument of the Unknown Soldier.
5. There was a high tower not far from the bridge.
1. Paul was watching TV when his mother came into his room.
2. Michael was drinking coffee while he was reading newspaper.
3. Don was writing a letter at 5 o’clock yesterday.
4. Ken used to prepare breakfast early in the morning.
5. Don and Kim were talking while they were playing chess.
6. Last Sunday Patty and her younger brother drove to the seaside for the weekend.
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