Верещагина, Притыкина 4 класс. Student’s book. Part 1. Урок 7

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Назовите спортивные занятия или игры, которые вы знаете.
Leapfrog, hopscotch, hide-and-seek, tag, football, basketball, badminton, tennis, table tennis, volleyball, hockey, swimming.
Посмотрите на таблицу и задайте вашему другу различные вопросы о его/ее последних каникулах.
Where did you live last summer?
With whom did you visit your relatives?
What game did they play?
Whe:n did he go on holidays?
Why did you skate alone?
How often did she swim in the swimming pool?
How many games did you play?
Прочитайте рассказ и подумайте о его морали.
I think that the moral of this story is that you must work if you want to eat.
Выберите лучшую мораль для рассказа «Кузнечик и Муравей».
4. Always prepare for hard times in the future.
Кто-то говорит вам:
1. Я ездил в горы прошлой зимой.
2. Вчера был мой день рождения.
3. Мой брат был на каникулах прошлой осенью.
Задайте вопросы для получения большей информации. Запишите их.
1. With whom did you go to the mountains? Why did you go to the mountains?
What did you do there?
Did you like there?
2. Did you have a birthday party?
Who was on your birthday party?
What presents did you get?
What was on the table?
3. Where did your brother go?
With whom did he go?
Did he like there?
Did he go there again?
Выберите друга в классе. Придумайте три вещи, которые он/она делал/а вчера, и три вещи, которые он/она не делал/а вчера. Запишите их.
You get up early in the morning.
You went for a walk yesterday evening.
You had fish for dinner.
You didn’t celebrate Father’s Day yesterday. You didn’t go to the seaside yesterday.
You didn’t have a birthday party yesterday.
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