Верещагина, Притыкина 4 класс. Student’s book. Part 2. Урок 33

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Дайте ответы Пита на вопросы Джека. Например:
Jack: Have you ever been to a foreign country? What country have you been to?
Pete: Yes, I have. I have been in France.
Jack: Where and with whom were you there?
Pete: I was in Paris with my father.
Jack: How did you get there?
Pete: I got there by plane.
Jack: How long did it take you to get there?
Pete: It took me two hours to get there.
Jack: Did you take a lot of luggage with you?
Pete: No, I didn’t. I don’t like to take a lot of luggage with me.
Jack: Did you find a cheap or an expensive hotel?
Pete: I found an expensive hotel.
Посмотрите на картинки и скажите, что они сделали (не сделали).
1. Не has (hasn’t) put on the gloves.
2. He has (hasn’t) run from the dog.
3. They have (haven’t) sent the letter.
4. They have (haven’t) shaken the tree.
5. She has (hasn’t) forgotten to buy bread.
Прочитайте и выучите пословицу, затем дайте ее русский вариант.
Сколько стран, столько и обычаев.
Во всяком подворье – свое поверье.
Сколько людей — столько и мнений.

Правда, ложь или не знаете?
1. false
2. false
3. false
4. false
5. false
Вставьте предлоги.
1. by
2. at, at
3. in, over, over
4. to
5. for
6. by, on
Вот прилагательные. Дайте соответствующие наречия используйте их в собственных предложениях.
sad – sadly, sweet – sweetly, kind – kindly, quiet – quietly, beautiful – beautifully, easy – easily

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