Верещагина, Притыкина 4 класс. Workbook. Урок 18

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Посмотрите на картинку снова (Упражнение 1) и скажите, что вы можете видеть спереди и сзади дома.
I can see some flowers in the front of the house.
I can see an old woman sitting in an armchair in the front of the house.
I can see a boy and a girl playing with a ball in the front of the house.
I can see a toy car in the front of the house.
I can see a toilet behind the house.
I can see an apple tree behind the house.
Представьте, что вы учитель. Позвольте своим одноклассникам ответить на ваши вопросы (используйте картинку из Упражнения 1).
What rooms can you see in the house?
How many flowers are there in front of the house?
What game do the children play?
Wbat toys can you see on the picture?
What kind of tree is there behind the house?
Используйте слово rather в следующих предложениях.
1. The kitchen is rather large.
2. The carpet is rather beautiful.
3. The curtains are rather bright.
4. The toilet is rather small.
5. The exercises are rather easy.
6. Many school subjects are rather difficult.
Это Ник. Он живет в большом доме в Лондоне. Задайте ему вопросы о месте, где он живет. Начните свои вопросы так: Have you got… ? Do you … ? Is there … ? Are there …?
Have you got your own roorrt in your house?
Do you like your room?
Is there a living room in your house?
Are there any carpets in your house?
Попробуйте придумать несколько утверждений. Скажите их вашим одноклассникам и попросите и согласиться или не согласиться. Используйте эти слова: lock, key, shout, car, back.
It is very difficult for a little child to lock the door.
Sometimes it is very difficult to find your keys.
It is not good to shout at somebody.
It is very interesting to go somewhere by car.
You must to lock a back door at night.
Прочитайте текст и скажите, почему Джуди кричала.
Judy shouted because doors and windows were closed and Judy couldn’t get in as the keys were in her bag which was in the hall.
Сделайте пять ложных утверждений по тексту и позвольте одноклассникам поправить их.
Last summer Judy and her brother went to visit their aunt.
There are no flowers near the house at all.
That summer day their granny was at home.
Judy put her bag on a little table in the kitchen.
John can do it because he was twelve.
Поставьте предложения в правильном порядке и используйте их в качестве плана для пересказа текста.
1. Judy’s granny lives in a house in the country.
2. Judy and John don’t often visit their granny.
3. Judy and John went to the country on a summer day.
4. John wanted to watch television.
5. Judy went to get the food out of the car.
6. The dog closed the front door.
7. The back door was closed too.
8. John couldn’t open the door.
9. Judy’s brother gave his sister the car keys.
10. John gave the house keys through the letterbox.
11. John locked the door again.
Давайте посмотрим, как вы знаете названия комнат в квартире. Закончите предложения.
1. kitchen
2. bedroom
3. bathroom
4. living room
5. dining room
6. sitting room
7. hall
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