Верещагина, Притыкина 4 класс. Workbook. Урок 26

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Сыграйте в игру и притворитесь, что вы выполнили действия. Примеры и слова вам помогут.
P1: Decorate the room!
Р2: I have decorated the room.
РЗ: Не (she) has decorated the room.
P1: Start to read!
P2: I have started to read.
P3: He (she) has started to read.
P1: Cook the dinner!
P2: I have cooked the dinner.
P3: He (she) has cooked the dinner.
P1: Open the window!
P2: I have opened the window.
P3: He (she) has opened the window.
P1: Lock the door!
P2: I have locked the door.
P3: He (she) has locked the door.
P1: Clean your carpet!
P2: I have cleaned my carpet.
P3: He (she) has cleaned his (her) carpet.
P1: Dance with us!
P2: I have danced with you.
P3: He (she) has danced with us.
Посмотрите на картинки и скажите, в какие игры дети сыграли.
1. The children have played football.
2. The children have played basketball.
3. The children have played volleyball.
4. The children have played hockey.
5. The children have played chess.
6. The children have played table tennis.
To, что говорит Анна – правда. Согласитесь с ней.
1. Yes, you have.
2. Yes, he has.
3. Yes, she has.
4. No, we haven’t.
5. No, I haven’t.
6. Yes, they have.
To, что говорит Боб – ложь. Не согласитесь с ним.
1. No, you haven’t.
2. No, he hasn’t.
3. No, she hasn’t.
4. No, we haven’t.
5. Yes, she has.
6. No, we haven’t.
Правда, ложь или не знаете?
1. true
2. false
3. false
4. don’t know
5. false
6. true
7. false
Прочитайте начало предложений в секции А и найдите окончание в секции В.
1. е
2. а
3. b
4. с
5. d
6. g
7. f
Вставьте глаголы в надлежащей форме: read, be, build, see, buy, meet.
1. been
2. read
3. seen
4. built
5. bought
6. met
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