Юхнель, 7. Unit 6. Lesson 6

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Разбившись на группы по 4 человека, составьте список ваших любимых слов из раздела. Обменяйтесь списками. Составьте текст, в котором были бы использованы все слова из списка, который дала вам другая группа.
Our town is not very big, but it is very attractive. It is definitely worth visiting. It is situated on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper. It was first mentioned in 1578. There are no skyscrapers but there are some high-rise buildings — an exhibition centre, a bank, a hotel a fitness centre and some block of flats to the south-west of the centre of the town. Unfortunately we don’t have a lot of ancient buildings, because our town suffered a lot during the World War II. But two ancient buildings have survived. Every year they attract many visitors to our town. They are: St.Paul’s cathedral and the Town Hall. St.Paul’s cathedral is the main sight of the town. It was built in the 17th century. It is situated in the centre of the town. The other place of interest, the Town Hall is very ancient too. There are no buses, trolleybuses, trams or underground in our town, but a lot of people have their own cars. There is a big car park for them near the Town Hall. People mostly live in lovely convenient cottages with bright roofs, chimneys and fences. There are some beautiful two-storeyed houses with balconies and garages in front of them. People in our town are hospitable and hardworking. Welcome to our town!
а) Прочитайте, как мальчик описывает свой город мечты. Найдите 4 ошибки на картинке.
Город моей мечты довольно небольшой, но расположен недалеко от большого города так, чтобы моя семья могла ездить в большой город по выходным за покупками или на представление в театр.
В моем городе много красивых домиков с яркими крышами с трубами на них. В нашем городе нет метро, и можно дойти пешком куда угодно. Нет небоскребов и других многоэтажных домов, самые высокие здания — это ратуша и банк. Самая известная достопримечательность — развалины древнего замка. Он был построен в 12 — м веке и разрушен в 13 — м веке, но некоторые из древних стен сохранились. Они находятся в очень живописном месте.
Через мой город протекает река. В городе моей мечты нет фабрик и воздух очень свежий. Улицы широкие, поэтому у нас нет проблем с пробками. Автомобильных стоянок мало, потому что в основном люди держат машины в гаражах.
На улицах нашего города можно много чего делать и увидеть много достопримечательностей. Есть кинотеатр, фитнес-центр, выставочный центр, так же как и милые кафе у реки. На берегу реки красиво, там посажены деревья и цветы. Люди не из нашего города приезжают к нам на выходные, чтобы насладиться прогулками на лодках и местной едой. Как вы видите, наш город очень удобен для жизни. К тому же люди в нашем городе очень гостеприимны и трудолюбивы. Мой город очень привлекателен, и его стоит посетить.
Добро пожаловать в город моей мечты!
Ответ на вопрос в задании:
In the picture we can see a factory, but the boys says that there are no factories in the town.
The boy says that there is a river running through the town, but in the picture we can see a lake.
There is no skyscrapers or other high-rise buildings in the town, but in the picture we see one.
In the picture there are no chimneys on the roofs.
b) Работа в парах. Найдите предложения, в которых мальчик описывает: 1) здания; 2) размер города; 3) что делает город привлекательным; 4) что делает его удобным для жизни.
1) There are a lot of nice cottages in my town with lovely bright roofs and chimneys on them. There are no skyscrapers or other high-rise buildings, the tallest buildings are the town hall and the bank. There is a cinema, a fitness centre and an exhibition centre as well as nice cafes by the river.
2) The town of my dreams is quite small but it is not far from a big city.
3) There are a lot of nice cottages in my town with lovely bright roofs and chimneys on them. The most famous local sight is the ruins of the ancient castle. It was built in the 12 century and ruined in the 13th century, but some of the ancient walls have survived. They are situated in a very picturesque place. There’s a river running through my town. There’s a cinema, a fitness centre and an exhibition centre as well as nice cafes by the river. It is lovely there with the trees and flowers planted along the river.
4) The town of my dreams is quiet small but it is not far from a big city, so my family can go to the city at weekends to do some shopping or to see a performance at the theatre. There is no underground in our town and you can walk anywhere you need. There are no factories in my dream-town and the air is very fresh. The streets are wide, that is why we have no problems with traffic jams. There are a lot of things to do and sights to see in our town. There’s a cinema, a fitness centre and exhibition centre as well as nice cafes by the river.
a) Соедините существительные с прилагательными, с которыми они использованы в тексте.
1 — g; 2 — f; 3 — i; 4 — h; 5 — с; 6 — b; 7 — d; 8 — е; 9 — a; 10 — k; 11 — j.
b) Какие из прилагательных в таблице можно использовать, чтобы описать жизнь в идеальном городе?
I think such adjectives as fantastic, enjoyable, lovely, comfortable, super, and easy can used to describe life in an ideal town.
Вы собираетесь сделать презентацию своего идеального города. Запишите свои идеи, используя упр. 2b.
Му ideal town is quite small but it is not far from a big city. People can go to the big city by car or by bus that runs every 30 minutes.
There are a lot of nice cottages with red roofs and small chimneys on them in my ideal town. The cottages have beautiful yards with flowers and trees in front of them. There are lovely two-storeyed houses too. All of them have big balconies where people drink tea in summer. There are no high-rise buildings or skyscrapers in the town. The tallest buildings are the Town Hall and the Church. Both buildings are very old. The Town Hall looks out on a big round square. In the square you’ll find a library, a pharmacy, a restaurant, a bank and a fitness centre. There’s a river running through my town. The church looks out on its picturesque banks. There is a cinema, a museum as well as nice cafes by the river. It’s lovely there with trees and flowers planted along the river bank. The streets in my town are wide, so we don’t have problems with traffic jams. There are no factories in my ideal town, but there is a forest, where you can go hiking or on a picnic. The town is very clean and the air is very fresh. The people in my ideal town are friendly, nice and hospitable. I think my ideal town is worth visiting.
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