Юхнель, 7. Unit 8. Lesson 1

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Как выдумаете, путешествовать лучше на корабле или самолете? Почему вы так думаете? Боитесь ли вы летать на самолете? Страдаете ли вы морской болезнью? Скучаете ли вы по дому, когда вы далеко?
То my mind it is better to travel by plane. Travelling by ship usually takes a lot of time and travelling by plane is very fast and convenient. Of course, if a person is afraid to travel by plane, it is better to travel by ship, but I am not scared of travelling by air. I don’t get seasick or airsick. But I do get homesick, when I am away from home for a long time.
a) Послушайте и скажите, почему мальчик хочет поехать в Австралию, а его мама — нет.
The boy wants to go to Australia because they are doing a project on Australia next year. He wants to see all the unusual animals that are called marsupials — kangaroos and koalas. He also wants to go on a guided tour and see all Australian landmarks.
His mother doesn’t want to go to Australia because if they go by ship, it’ll take them about four weeks to get there. And she will get seasick too. If they go there by plane, it will take them only 15 hours, but she is scared of flying.
b) Соедините начала предложений с их окончаниями.
1 — i; 2 — f; 3 — g;4 — b; 5 — с; 6 — а; 7 — h; 8 — d; 9 — е; 10 — j.
c) Послушайте еще раз и проверьте себя. Почему урок называется “Down Under”?
Down Under is another name of Australia and the New Zealand. They are called “Down Under” because they are situated down under Europe and Asia and down under the Equator.
Прочитайте предложения в упр. 2 и ответьте на вопросы на страницах 245 — 246.
1) В предложениях 2 — f, 3 — g, 5 — с, 6 — а, 7 — h, 8 — d, 9 — е, 10 — j речь идет о будущем. В предложениях 1 — i и 4 — b речь идет о настоящем.
2) Эти сложные предложения состоят из двух частей.
3) Придаточным предложением является первая часть предложений, начинающаяся с союза if или when. Главным предложением является вторая часть.
4) В придаточных времени используется союз when, в придаточных условия — if.
5) В главных предложениях используются глаголы в формах простого настоящего (Present Simple) и простого будущего времени (Future Simple). В придаточных предложениях используются глаголы в форме простого настоящего времени (Present Simple).
6) Чтобы разделить придаточное и главное предложения, используется запятая.
a) Прочитайте предложения. С какими из них вы согласны?
I agree with the following sentences: When people travel, they usually make many new friends; If she doesn’t speak English with her British friends, she will never be good at it; When I do my English homework regularly, I get more good marks; If I don’t go to school tomorrow, I’ll miss my English class; The sentence “If you travel by plane, you get airsick” is not true for me, because I don’t get airsick when I travel by plane.
b) Какие из предложений говорят нам о будущем, а какие — о настоящем? Дополните правило в таблице.
The sentences “When people travel, they usually make many new friends”, “If you travel by plane, you get airsick”, “when I do my English homework regularly, I get more good marks” tell us about the present. The sentences “If she doesn’t speak English with her British friends, she will never be good at it” and “If I don’t’ go to school tomorrow, I’ll miss my English class” tell us about the future.
In if- and when-clauses we use Present Simple to speak about the future.
a) Дополните предложения так, чтобы они говорили о вас.
a) When I travel by plane, I don’t get airsick.
b) If I travel to Australia, I will go on a guided tour to see all Australian landmarks.
c) If I go to Great Britain, I will improve my English a lot.
b) Сравните свои предложения с предложениями одноклассников. Много ли у вас общего?
c) Расспросите своего партнера.
How long it will take you if you travel to Spain by car? — If I travel to Spain by car it will take me four days.
How long it will take you if you travel to Poland by bus? — If I travel to Poland by bus it will take me one day.
How long will it take you if you travel to Australia by ship? — If I travel to Australia by ship, it will take me four weeks.
How long will it take you if you travel to Minsk by bicycle? — If I travel to Minsk by bicycle, it will take me six hours.
How long will it take you if you travel to the United States of America by plane? — If I travel to the United States of America by plane it will take me 8 hours.
How long will it take you if you travel to Ukraine by train? — If I travel to Ukraine by train, it will take me two days.
Прочитайте послание Ника его отцу. Знает ли Рози о семейных планах на Рождество?
Don’t; will miss; travel; will take; get; will take; see; will tell.
No, she doesn’t. Rosie doesn’t know about the plans of the family for the Christmas holidays.
Разыграйте диалоги о путешествии в Австралию. Используйте карточки из упражнения.
A) Mother / Father: As you remember we have decided to go to Australia on the Christmas holidays. Now it’s time to decide how we get there.
Son / Dauhter: Let’s go there by ship! It will be so exciting!
Mother / Father. No, I can’t go there by ship. If we travel to Australia by ship, it’ll take us four weeks. That’s too long. And by the way, I get seasick when I travel by sea. We’ll go there by plane. It is fast and convenient.
Son / Dauhter: By plane? No! I hate planes. I’m scared of flying.
Mother / Father: But you have never flown by plane, silly.
Son / Dauhter: Yes, I haven’t. I have never flown by plane because I am scared to travel by air.
Mother / Father: Don’t worry. Planes are safer than cars. You know, I have flown dozens of times.
Son / Dauhter: No, we’ll go there by ship.
Mother / Father Or we travel there by plane, or we don’t go there at all. Decide.
Son / Dauhter: I have to go to Australia. I’m doing a project on the life of the Australian people next year. And I want to buy a boomerang in Australia. If I go to Australia by plane, will you buy ea boomerang?
Mother / Father: Ok, I will.
Son / Daughter: And how about koala?
Mother / Father: Oh, stop being silly. They are wild animals and they are in danger, you can’t buy them!
Son / Daughter: I was joking. Ok, let’s go there by plane.
B) Mother / Father. Dear, what country do you want to go to for you summer holidays this year?
Son / Daughter: I’d like to go to Australia.
Mother / Father: Australia? But why?
Son / Daughter You know, I’ve decided to become a biologist. I’d like to learn more about flora and fauna of Australia, because it’s unique. And I want to bring some coral back with me.
Mother / Father: If you want to become a biologist, you should know that corals are alive and touching coral reefs is bad and dangerous for them!
Son / Daughter: Really? I didn’t know that.
Mother / Father: Anyway, Australia isn’t a bad choice. But it will take a long time to get there. I think it will take some weeks if we travel by train.
Son / Daughter: By train? You know, I hate trains. I don’t feel comfortable on the train. It’s so boring! Let’s go there by ship! It will be such an interesting and enjoyable journey!
Mother / Father: I can’t travel by ship. I’ll get seasick.
Son / Daughter: Let’s go by plane. It is much faster than travelling by ship or by train.
Mother / Father: I can’t go by plane either. You know, I’m scared of flying.
Son / Daughter: But planes are much safer than cars!
Mother / Father: It is hard for me to believe in it. We’ll go there by train.
Son / Daughter: But Australia is another continent. Trains don’t go there. We will have to travel by ship or a plane sooner or later.
Mother / Father: Oh, really. I totally forgot about that. Than we should go by plane. It is faster at least.
Son / Daughter: Oh, I’m so happy! Thank you!
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