Юхнель, 7. Unit 9. Lesson 3

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Задайте вопросы своему собеседнику.
— When did you start learning English?
— I started learning English at the age of 10.
— When were you able to say English alphabet, to read and to write?
— I was able to say English alphabet at the age of 10 and later I was able to read, at the age оf 11 I was able to write in English.
— How many English classes a week do you have this year?
— This year I have three English classes a week.
— Can you speak a little English now?
— Yes, I can. I can speak a little English now.
— When do you think you’ll be able to speak English really well?
— I hope I’ll be able to speak English really well when I graduate from school.
— If you don’t know a word, do you a) ask your teacher, b) use the Internet or
c) use a dictionary?
— If I don’t know a word I use a dictionary.
a) Прослушайте запись, в которой Марта из Польши, Ганс из Германии и Ирина из России разговаривают о своих уроках английского языка. У кого были самые лучшие уроки английского языка?
Irina had the best English classes. They had quiz-shows, did projects, recited poems, learnt songs by heart, learnt how to use dictionaries, and wrote interesting compositions about school, friendship, the music they liked.
b) Чьи это слова (M — Марта, Н — Ганс, I — Ирина) ?
1 — Н. 2 — М. 3 — I. 4 — Н. 5 — I. 6 — М. 7 — Н. 8 — Н. 9 — Н. 10 — 1. 11 — 1. 12 — Н. 13 — 1. 14 — М. 15 — Н. 16 — Н. 17 — М. 18 — Н. 19 — М. 20 — I. 21 — М. 22 — Н.
c) Прослушайте запись еще раз и проверьте себя.
a) А что вы обычно делаете на уроках английского языка? Используйте табличку, чтобы спросить у своего собеседника.
I attend all classes because we have really interesting and various lessons of English. We learn and recite poems in English, learn songs by heart, write compositions, try to read article from newspapers. We also learn grammar rules and learn how to use a dictionary. I like to take part in quiz-shows and to do creative projects. We enjoy playing language games and reading English books.
b) Напишите, что вы делали на последнем занятии по английскому языку. Вам понравилось? Почему?
We had to learn some new grammar rules ask and answer questions in English and then we had to listen to English people speaking. I liked to listen to English people speaking because it helps me to improve my own English speech.
a) Используйте табличку, чтобы написать предложения с must и mustn’t.
1. You must attend all classes.
2. You mustn’t miss English classes.
3. You mustn’t be naughty and noisy.
4. You mustn’t write in school books.
5. You must arrive for lessons on time.
6. You must bring your daybook to school.
7. You must do homework.
8. You must return books to the school library.
b) Выберите из списка правила, которые действуют в вашей школе. Сравните со списком партнера.
1. You must attend all classes.
2. You mustn’t miss English classes.
3. You mustn’t be naughty and noisy.
4. You mustn’t write in school books.
5. You must arrive for lessons on time.
6. You must bring your daybook to school.
7. You must do homework.
8. You must return books to the school library.
а) Как вы думаете, что следует и не следует делать учителям, родителям и детям? Работа в паре. Используйте список, чтобы дать совет.
Children should help parents with housework.
Teachers should give tests.
Teachers shouldn’t give a lot of homework.
Children shouldn’t watch too much television.
Children should do homework regularly.
Children should have longer holidays.
Children should listen to their parents.
Children shouldn’t behave badly in class.
Parents should help children with homework.
Teachers should give children better marks.
Parents shouldn’t give children more pocket money.
Children should have more free time.
b) Сравните свой список со списком другой пары.
a) Просмотрите упражнения 3, 4 и 5. Ответьте на вопросы по грамматике на с. 250.
1. В упражнениях 3, 4 и 5 использованы модальные глаголы have to do, must (mustn’t), should (shouldn’t).
2. Они различаются по форме, так как те, которые имеют при себе частицу not, являются отрицательными.
3. Чтобы задать вопрос с have to do, нужно употребить вспомогательный глагол to be в соответствующем времени, must (mustn’t), should (shouldn’t) употребляются без вспомогательного глагола.
4. Глагол have to do имеет значение необходимости совершить действие в силу каких-либо обстоятельств, must выражает необходимость и долженствование произвести действие в настоящем или будущем времени либо означает настоятельный совет, mustn’t передает значение запрещения, should употребляется для выражения совета или рекомендации.
b) Дополните каждое предложение одним из модальных глаголов из упр. 3, 4 или 5.
1 — have to; 2 — should; 3 — must.
а) Разделите цепочку слов на 21 вопрос. Проверьте задание с одноклассниками и учителем.
1. Do you have a convenient timetable?
2. What are your favourite subjects?
3. Are you interested in learning languages?
4. Is it easy or difficult for you to learn English?
5. Have you got a good dictionary?
6. Do you like writing compositions?
7. Is it easy for you to translate from Russian into English and back?
8. How often do you do projects in English?
9. Are your English lessons enjoyable?
10. What do you have to do in your English lessons?
11. How often do you get good marks in English?
12. Do you make many mistakes in your tests?
13. Do you make mistakes while speaking English?
14. Is English boring or interesting for you?
15. Are you mostly active or quiet in your English class?
16. Do you attend all your English classes or do you miss some of them?
17. Do you always behave well in English classes?
18. Are you sometimes too talkative?
19. Are you often punished for being naughty?
20. What is an ideal teacher like?
21. Are you a hard-working student?
b) Задайте вопросы своему партнеру. Передайте ответы группе.
1. Do you have a convenient timetable? — Yes, I do. I have a convenient timetable.
2. What are your favourite subjects? — My favourite subjects are English and Russian.
3. Are you interested in learning languages? — Yes, I am. I am interested in learning languages.
4. Is it easy or difficult for you to learn English? — It is easy for me to learn English.
5. Have you got a good dictionary? — Yes, I have. I have a good dictionary.
6. Do you like writing compositions? — Yes, I do. I like writing compositions.
7. Is it easy for you to translate from Russian into English and back? — Yes, it is. I translate easily from Russian into English and back.
8. How often do you do projects in English? — We do projects in English once a month.
9. Are your English lessons enjoyable? — Yes, they are. Our English lessons enjoyable.
10. What do you have to do in your English lessons? — In our English lessons we have to learn and recite poems in English, learn songs by heart, write compositions, try to read article from newspapers. We also, learn grammar rules and learn how to use a dictionary. I like to take part in quiz-shows and to do creative projects. We enjoy playing language games and reading English books.
11. How often do you get good marks in English? — I almost always get good marks in English.
12. Do you make many mistakes in your tests? — No, I don’t. I don’t do many mistakes in my tests.
13. Do you make mistakes while speaking English? — Yes, I do. Sometimes I do mistakes while speaking English.
14. Is English boring or interesting for you? — English is interesting for me.
15. Are you mostly active or quiet in your English class? — I am mostly active in my English class.
16. Do you attend all your English classes or do you miss some of them? — I attend all my English lessons.
17. Do you always behave well in English classes? — No, I don’t. I don’t always behave well in English classes.
18. Are you sometimes too talkative? — Yes, I am. Sometimes I am too talkative.
19. Are you often punished for being naughty? — No, I am not. I am not often punished for being naughty.
20. What is an ideal teacher like? — An ideal teacher for me is a kind of teacher who makes lessons interesting.
21. Are you a hard-working student? — Yes, I am. I think I am a hard-working student.
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